That said, there are some untoward changes since I quit. I have gained twenty pounds. I realize overeating is in part a compensation for the loss of carbs from the wine, but my gourmandise has become ridiculous. I was formerly physically fit and active and enjoyed outdoors work, jogging, biking, sailing, playing tennis, etc. Now, I am bored with those things--in fact with most things. I avoid socializing whenever my wife lets me get away with it. I have completely lost interest in sex. I used to love mowing the lawn and the smell of newly cut grass. No longer. The list goes on. The only thing that continues to engage me is getting under the hood of a computer, looking up things on the internet, learning Ubuntu Linux as well as the Unix command line so I can kick out Microsoft and Apple; technical gobblygook that doesn't entail the physical activity that used to engage me.
This puzzles me. I am not depressed. I get up bright and early (5-7 am) and go to bed late (about midnight.) I sleep like a rock with entertaining dreams, read a lot, don't watch TV. I function efficiently, calmly and happily when interacting on a formal level, but on a personal level I am becoming a hermit quite unlike my former self. Although I am personally content with my new self (I am uncomfortable with my weight gain only in terms of its being a health hazard) it is apparent that friends, acquaintances--and my wife--are wondering what is going on.
Any ideas?