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My Story

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    My Story

    Hi all
    I have decided to tell my story for the first time in my life. I have always tried to deny the fact that I have a drinking problem. The problem has gone totally out of control and if I don't change my whole living, I will loose everything in my life. Currently my wife, children and business is suffering as a result of my drinking. This situation STOPS today.
    It is my dicision to stop drinking, become AF and get control over my life. I will need all the suppoprt I can get. :new:

    My Story

    :welcome:Welcome e10, it is very positive that you realize you have a problem. As a matter of fact - that is the very first step in AA's 12 step program.

    I'm so happy you found and joined us. There are great stories here of victory, and a few ones of tragedy, which must always remind us that AL is a deadly poison.

    Keep posting and reading you will find all the encouragement you need here.
    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


      My Story

      Thanks Jessie

      I'm already feeling better just by knowing that I could finally tell somebody and that I don't have to live with this lie anymore.


        My Story

        Hi e10, welcome to the most amazing place!
        To talk and open up and vent with non-judgemental people is such a tonic. This site saved me and although im not totally AF I am now in control of my life and my weaknesses.
        I spent alot of time in live chat and it passed the time especially when i really wanted a drink.
        I hope you find what you need here and make yourself at home. There are some amazing people here who are here to help.
        Pink. xx


          My Story

          Today is the second day. I woke up feeling much better. I have a very buzy schedule today and will only get home @ 19h00. I usually get cravings in the afternoon but today will be OK because i'll be in meetings. Once I get home I'll sit down with the kids and wife and spent some quality time.


            My Story

            it is not true try and try again

            I am here trying and trying again, I am having a problem finding the right site here, I have been sitting and having a glass of wine,long gone are the days of saying enjoying a glass a of wine, it is not even 11 am, I must get control of my life, someone help me please:l


              My Story

              Litre click on live chat at the top of the screen and we can talk xoxo
              HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                My Story

                Today I'm in my third day and I'm feeling better every day. I have arranged to spent the weekend with the family on a farm and there will be no AL available. Will reoprt back on Monday.


                  My Story

                  Hi e10 and :welcome:

                  It sounds like you are doing a great job taking things one day at a time, and making sure you have a solid plan to deal with your "witching hours." IMO that is REALLY important. So :goodjob:

                  I don't have kids but am married and also a business owner. I know EVERYTHING suffered from my alcoholism. There came a point when I just couldn't deny it any more. Life is SO MUCH BETTER now. I don't think my husband and I could have made it with our business through this recession if we were still drinking (me) and smoking weed. Clean and sober and clear headed is so much better for work, relationships, health, you name it.

                  Good that you are checking in every day too. I know I need daily support or my brain will start wandering and my "inner addict" will start telling me lies such as "now you can have just one..." etc.

                  There are a lot of really good daily check in threads in various places on the forum. I would suggest reading around and finding one you like - a good place to bond with a core group of people you can identify with and get to know. Share the journey. My "go to" daily group is "AF Daily" in the Monthly Abstinence section. You would be welcome there or on any of the daily threads!

                  Enjoy your AF day!

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    My Story

                    Hi Litre, as long as you are heading in the right direction ( alcohol is not for me) you will be fine. Don't give up. Do AA's 12 steps and read/post here, and you will find a lot of support and encouragement.
                    make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                      My Story

                      same ole' crap

                      I too drink in the AM, before work, after work - whenever - I'm drinking right now and coloring my hair......I am SOOOOO sick of this, Vodka is my drug.....I hate waking up every morning nervous and covered in anxiety. And after a few hours at work I sometimes get VERY nervous. I don't know when this will end, I just know that it needs to, my boyfriend, cats, and pug puppy don't deserve this.......The guilt is overwhelming


                        My Story

                        Girl 1973, there is a way out and a much better life. Keep posting and reading and check the AA's 12 step program online. You can get better, regardless of anyone or anything... provided you trust in God ( or your idea of a HP) and clean's working for me.
                        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                          My Story

                          Welcome e10 and Litre,
                          E10 Very happy that you found us and it sounds like you are doing great, Litre listen to DG she knows her stuff. Best of luck
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            My Story

                            e10 and girl1973, I was both of you! I found this website when I was at my lowest. When I first came here people said read and post and that is what I did. These people probably saved my life.

                            I didn't stop drinking on my first try. I would be sober for months and start back up again. Just keep coming back to this site. I still do from time to time just for that friendly reminder that I can never drink again.

                            I wish you both success in your journey!!!
                            RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                            "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

