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Fun Times!

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    Fun Times!

    I was adopted and just found my birth family 5 years ago. That explains a lot of my alcohol addiction. It runs in the family. I am a binge drinker and can go days without wanting a drink. However, if I drink in the height of a crisis, my "Twin" comes out. I don't remember much the next day and usually just hurt myself. My Husband is very supportive of me and I hate when he looks at me wanting to take my pain away.

    10 years ago I woke up in a drunk tank. FUN TIMES! That was my rock bottom with the bottle. I found out that night it's not a good idea to mix wine, rum, vodka, and God knows what else.

    I'm entering my 4th year of "everything going wrong". It started with the loss of my only child and 3 best friends. A few years before that two family members committed suicide 9 days apart. Since then I have been working on a law suit against a nursing home that almost killed my Mom. We lost our home, business, and my vehicle. Suffered a heart attack earlier this year. Since the heart attack I have lost a lot of weight, that I needed to lose. Don't want it back either. But the good thing about the heart attack is I cannot tolerate as much drinking and definately not the hard stuff. I still have a problem though.

    This month I was suspended on ebay after 9+ years of a perfect rating. That was one of the only things that I kept pristine in my life and now it is ruined. I will admit to a lot being my fault but this was just a vicious slap in the face with no real reason. I'm still reeling. I managed to get through the thick of it with only one night of getting ripped. Woke up with some cuts and bruises. Seemed I tried to rearrange some furniture that wouldn't cooperate.

    I try so hard and people seem to like me where we have moved. My (new birth family) Niece & I are very close. Also my boyfriend from 8th grade (35 years ago) is a great friend. I also have a great new friend where I moved. She too enjoys her wine and we get together about twice a month with a couple of bottles of wine. The view that we have is spectacular overlooking an intercoastal paradise. Nobody drives and we can talk to each other about anything. Our Husbands are becoming great friends too. It's been 12 long years since I've had a friend where I live and was starting to think something was wrong with me.

    Went 5 months after moving here to seek another Dr. I usually drink heavier when the nightmares start. I'm always looking for my Mom that I know someone is trying to kill in a building as big as the Empire State Building. But I deaded reliving all that life has offered me with a total stranger in person through a new Dr.. That right there makes me want a drink. I'm not really depressed, but am losing any type of ambition to keep trying. Anyway that's the short version. Anybody else faced with crisis after crisis?

    Fun Times!

    Hi Megan,

    I just wanted to say welcome. We all have things that happen in life, and we all deal with them in our own ways. You are not alone. It sounds like you have had a rough road behind you, and hopefully it smooths out. I wish you the best! Welcome!

    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


      Fun Times!

      Yes, we all have our stories, but you have had so many losses in your life. I can see where the drinking could be what you lean on to get by. It's exciting to find your birth family, but now so much to see that your drinking is probably partly to do with your family history.

      You can't stop life from having crisis after crisis, but you can stop how you react to them. Life isn't fair sometimes. People leave us thru death and other ways.

      This website has been a life saving expierence for me. I haven't been on here in forever, but knowing I have these people here to talk to helps me so much. There isn't anything you can say on here that will shock anyone. When I first came here the people said read and post and that is what I did. I didn't stop drinking on my first try. I would even post on here drunk and hide it.

      It took a health scare for me to stop drinking. I thought it was my heart. It was my stomach. I posted on another thread today about how bad the pain was in my stomach. It is that pain that lead me to stop drinking. The emotinal pain never could do that. I needed the rum to help me emotionally and I never had all the bad things happen to me that has happened to you.

      I wish you the best in your journey. Just know the people here are here to try to help you. It doesn't matter if they as just coming off a drunken weekend or they have been AF for years. Reading what other post helps so much because you will find out that you are not alone.
      RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

      "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

