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My first post

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    My first post

    Been lurking around here for quite awhile and time to say thank you to all of you. Great site I found while looking for some information on meds for moderating. I do things a little differently than most of the folks on this site in that sometimes I drink and sometimes I don't. For example I was AF 122 days last year, about an average year for me.

    My goal is 200 days this year and I'm on day 9 as of 1-18-2012, so far so good. About me, I'm 56 years old live in Southern Cal, (sunny so. ca) and have been drinking pretty hard for 40 years. I'm the only alcoholic in my family and there is no family history of alcoholism anywhere.

    I'm lucky, healthy for now, I get my annual physical and blood work always good thank God. I've also been pretty lucky with money and I'm semi retired. My parents are both 88 years old, still alive so I have good genes. My biggest problem in life is that I love to drink, don't do drugs anymore, but I love beer and Maker's Mark whiskey. When I get drunk it ain't pretty.

    I won't go through the multiple problems I've caused over the years, let's just say they are numerous. No problems with the law (yes miracles do happen) mostly making a fool out of myself...I don't need to elaborate with this group.

    What's different this year is my best friend and business partner (a world class boozer in his own right) blew out his pancreas late last year and the doc says he's done for good. Watching him suffer changed my life. He's one tough MF and was reduced to a helpless homeless looking old man in the scope of a week. My doc say's if I don't want to join him I have to back way off the juice. So, here I am, I'll continue to watch and learn from the folks here and look forward to contributing if I think I can help anyone.

    Love the Tool Box

    Be well, B-45

    My first post

    welcome B-45,
    I am sorry for your friend. that is truly sad and scarey. I can see why you are more open to quitting after that news. the thought of liver/pancreas cancer is a great motivator for me. I need to be around for my kids.

    thanks for your story
    AF since Sept 2013...


      My first post



      It sounds like you have a goal. A good plan to achieve the goal can help, too. Especially when the "eff its" come along.

      AF April 9, 2016


        My first post

        BIG welcome !
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          My first post

          Just want to say "Welcome." This is a really great place. Check out all the different threads--you might like the newbies under "Just Starting Out."

          "One day at a time."


            My first post

            B-45 (Sounds like an awesome new supplement).

            The support and information I have found on this site is the absolute best out there.

            Baclofen Benefits:

            :bagdude: "It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which more than anything else, will determine its successful outcome."-Williams James


              My first post

              Hi B 45... Welcome to the board.....



                My first post

                jane27;1247964 wrote: Hi B45,
                I went through a similar experience a couple of years ago with a friend that went into acute liver failure in her mid 40s after 10 years of hard social drinking. I can empathize with that shook up feeling from seeing someone get hit right before you. I hope you stick around. It's a very supportive place with so many kind and understanding folks. Jane
                Hope I didn't over state my best friend's condition. When I said he's done for good I meant with Alcohol. He came by yesterday, first time I've seen him since he went down and looks great! Good color, says he is jogging 25 miles a week and riding his bike over 100 miles a week and walking too.

                What a transformation, and he is proud to be AF for over 4 months. That's a record. Quite an inspiration for me, trust me if he can do it we all can.

                I'd say that I miss my drinking partner, but that would demonstrate the epitome of selfishness.

                Be well, B-45


                  My first post

                  Balboa45;1248211 wrote:

                  I'd say that I miss my drinking partner, but that would demonstrate the epitome of selfishness.

                  Be well, B-45
                  That is what our addiction does, though.

                  Good on for your friend. Good on for you for knowing he needs a friend forever.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    My first post

                    Hi Balboa! I heard the 'Rocky' theme in my head when I saw your nic, love it! Glad your friend is okay, but also glad for you that the whole situation made you stop and think and post.

                    Just wanted to say, you are among friends and like minded people, don't be afraid here. Post your heart out. :welcome:
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

