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    I am not sure I can find the courage to be as open and honest and vulnerable as those who I have read about - I will try - becasue I know I have to start somewhere. Here goes. :new:

    Tomorrow (1/31/12) I will turn 53. I want to stop drinking. I just can't have A glass of wine - i have a FEW glasses of wine every night. If I have had a stressful work day - then thats all I consume. I can detect a pattern over the last year related to stress - but really I know deep in my soul that I have always had an addiction to alcohol. I could for a long time handle it - but not anymore, as I got older the effects of alcohol have brought me to the realization that I have been nothing but absolutley lucky - and its just a matter of time if I don't stop - I will hurt someone else and or myself. Truth be told: At first I love the way my 2nd glass of wine makes me feel - like many posts I can relate to - It gives me (false) confidence, makes me feel like I can talk to anyone I want to - say anything I want to, and if I want - do anything I want to. THEN REGRET IT ALL THE NEXT DAY when i wake up. I just did it again... Went to dinner for my birthday - my husband - 3 other couples - all our long time best friends - wine all around - great food - good fun (by the way they all consume way too much as well...) then all the sudden its ME whos OVER THE TOP. When did that happen? Why do I think I wasn't consuming as much as Ifeel? Next thing you know I'm talking to strangers - wandering off - and playing the giddy drunk - once again I become the next days conversation. I now realize there are things that I don't remember at all anymore - not good. I want to change me. I don't like her very much. thanks for reading- I'll check back in - I'm not good at being consistant. But as long as i don't have a drink I will be reminded that I "posted" here and try and remember to give myself the chance to get support from others like me. Happy birthday to me - my gift to me on my birthday this year is not to have a drink.


    Welcome W Sister - you sound just like so many of us here, and what an amazing birthday present you are going to give yourself - it will be one you will not want to return!
    Come on over to the newbies nest, it is a great place to start and Lavande & Byrd will welcome you in and help you on your way. Also check out the tool box and make a good, strong, steady plan.
    I would love to say Hi to you in the nest and wish you a happy birthday tomorrow (or today depending on which time zone you are in! - good thing is that there is usually someone around to cheer you on, or to give a quick reminder as to what you are doing)
    :welcome: and hope to see you around!
    Enjoy an alcohol free birthday!
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"



      Hi WS welcome. Happy Birthday, it's January 31st on my computer. Scottish Lass has said it very well, so I will just chime in and wish you all the success in your AF life. You will love it, once you get used to it.:welcome:
      Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
      If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
      November 2, 2012



        :welcome: This a great place!

        i had similar feelings when I was drinking and it bothered me to the point where I became extremely paranoid. The guilt, ohhhh the guilt was unbearable! I would get drunk and embarrass myself in public then worry all night about what I said. I would loose my mind obsessing about how I acted, what I did, did I really say that?....ughhh... who heard me say that?, was a co worker in the same pub?, were they strangers at the next table or do they know me? I couldnt take it anymore..

        Great job on your decision to give up AL! You will be amazed how great you will feel mentally and physically when you have a bit of time AF. I started feeling the benefit after just 5 days..


        Happy AF Birthday!


        Round 1 - AF/NF Sept 29, 2011-June 23, 2012

        Round 2 - AF/NF October 6, 2012-December 2012

        Round 3 - AF/NF January 5, 2014 - ????

        Third times a charm!



          Wow, your story sounds almost exactly like mine.I just turned 54. It has taken me many attempts to quit over the last few years.
          You are giving yourself a wonderful gift by not drinking. Keep coming back here to read and post. It really helps. I am on day 89 and I could not have done it without the support of all the people on this site.
          Good luck and Happy Birthday.
          Don't worry, be happy!



            Hi, WS and Happy Birthday!!
            Great decision to get AF for your birthday, so that you can celebrate many years to come! I relate well to your story, and was about where you are at when I was your age. Now 58--59 in a few weeks--and my drinking escalated so badly in just the past year. But I am now 73 days AF, with lots of help from this forum. I pray never to go back.

            Head right over to the newbies nest and you'll see so much support and encouragement!

            "One day at a time."



              Hi, Sister! I'm glad you made a birthday post. It sounds like you have already done some reading on this site, so you know what a wonderful place this is. I just turned 54, so we are of a similar age. I also started feeling the effects of alcohol differently as I got older. I think part of the reason I ended up with a problem with my drinking was that for years and years I could drink quite heavily on a daily basis and feel no effect the next day.

              In the last couple of years that was no longer the case. I started realizing I was looking awful in the mornings and feeling like I was in a fog. On top of that, I started drinking even more. My 3/4 bottle of wine a night habit was turning into a bottle and then another (big) glass.

              Breaking this habit is hard. Today is day 11 for me. This is about as far as I've gotten before, but I'm confident I can do much better this time. The turning point for me was doing just what you have done. Putting myself out there and making myself accountable by posting. Even more important...probably most important of all...I came back, and back, and back every time I failed. I refused to quit this site, or run away with my tail between my legs.

              So, Happy Birthday to you, and I hope you stick around. It may be the best thing you ever do for yourself!
              ~ The chief cause of failure is trading what you want most for what you want now ~
              Goal #1 - 7 days AF -



                :welcome:WS, welcome! I, like others here, can really relate to your post. I'm in my late 50s and can't recommend giving up alcohol highly enough. It hasn't been easy, but the further along I get, the happier I am. Do yourself the biggest favor of your life and get sober.



                  Thank you everyone for a great birthday gift of new found friendship! I'm headed over to the nest now! My birthday was very "mind-ful" and DRY. Not a craving for a glass of wine - but I know that might not be the case tomorrow - so I am grateful that today I was alcohol free.

                  Thank you - thank you - thank you! Weezie --

