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    Hello. i'm new here so bear with my life story lol..ok here goes when i was younger (at school) i was bullied severly to the point when i hit 13 i left school as i couldn't cope any i tried to go to college.. (again i got bullied and i gave up) i met the most wonderful person and we was together for 4 years but..she introduced me to alcohol and that set me down this road i'm down now...we split up and i turned to drink and i didnt drink much at first infact it was 2-3 years after that problems arose..i started to want to drink more and more but i had the will power to say "no thanks" which was all good and fine..then my mother died from cancer and i turned to drink and i experienced after a good month of drinking had a withdrawal seizure......since then i thought "ok no more alcohol" and i did fine until i got so depressed i thought "why not?" so i drank again and after 3-4 months drinking i had another seizure (scared me half to death)..which brings me more or less to now...i've been drinking everynight for over 2 months.......the only reason i'm not stopping is because i'm so scared of fitting i daren't stop......and only my brother knows i'm drinking my dad has no idea (i'm hiding beer down top from the shops etc).. i'm scared to stop drinking but i don't want to keep drinking so i'm kind of stuck


    Hi, Chris.
    Just wanted to say welcome. You will find so much support here, and we've all been through it in one way or another. You can go to the newbies nest in the Just Starting Out section and see many who are coming here for the first time.
    Alcohol withdrawal can be serious--you can die while going through it. Seizures are very serious. I suggest that you get to your doctor for help. I have used Librium--they use that when you go to detox--and it helps a lot with withdrawal. I never had a seizure, but know people who have. Very frightening.
    I hope you can get the help you need to make it through to leading an AF life! It is so worth it!
    "One day at a time."



      thanks sorry i posted without thinking..happens alot now days lol but the thing that's bothering me is i can't seem to give drink up....i say no for 2-3 nights and then it's like i HAVE to drink again which sucks and i know it's killing me but i'm not able to stop...i know i need help but i'm too scared to ask :|



        Chris, we've all been exactly where you're at. It's not easy, but you can quit. And, you're right, you'll need a plan, and probably a multi-pronged approach that includes help. Some people do it just with MWO, others get counseling, go to AA, etc. Be sure to read the Toolbox under Monthly Abstinence. The Newbie's Nest is also a good place for daily support.

        Let us know if we can help. :lilheart:



          Chris dude, you made me want to share my own story man, keep being an inspiration and use that as strength.



            Thanks so much for sharing Chris!

            Here is a link to The Toolbox Thread which can really help x

            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

            AF 10th May 2010
            NF 12th May 2010

