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Quitting for Lent

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    Quitting for Lent

    Hello everyone, I am not sure if this is the right forum for this, but I am giving up alcohol for Lent and need the support, hopefully after lent I will be able to moderate my drinking because I cannot imagine living without it. I dont see myself as a full on alcoholic, however I cannot remember my last day without drinking. Whiskey is my poison, no ice, no mixer, just rotgut whiskey all the time, morning, noon and night. I have been thinking about stopping but havent been able to so I figure lent would be a good time to try. A little bit about me, I am an Iraq war veteran, married with three children, dont have any hobbies or interests but I do work full time and go to school.

    Quitting for Lent

    Welcome Miklo!
    I am new here too but have been lurking for a couple of years. Whiskey is also my drug of have come to the right place. Tons of knowledge and support here. I'm sure many will post replies soon. Also recommend clicking on the Newbie's Nest. There is a alot of activity on that thread and loads of advice, help & support.
    "Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs


      Quitting for Lent

      Miklo;1265980 wrote: Hello everyone, I am not sure if this is the right forum for this, but I am giving up alcohol for Lent and need the support, hopefully after lent I will be able to moderate my drinking because I cannot imagine living without it. I dont see myself as a full on alcoholic, however I cannot remember my last day without drinking. Whiskey is my poison, no ice, no mixer, just rotgut whiskey all the time, morning, noon and night. I have been thinking about stopping but havent been able to so I figure lent would be a good time to try. A little bit about me, I am an Iraq war veteran, married with three children, dont have any hobbies or interests but I do work full time and go to school.
      Hey there Miklo, this is the right place to post up for support and techniques for moderating or abstaining from AL(Alcohol).

      I read your post multiple time, because I wanted to make sure, I was hearing what you were trying to convey. Let me run through your post in a point by point manner.

      I was the same boat as you, imagining a life without AL seemed an impossibility, not worth living, and non stop nightmare. But, so far, what I found was quite the exact opposite. I feel better, look better, have a "clear" perspective on life for the first time in 20 years.

      Giving up AL for Lent is admirable(or for any reason for that matter) and I applaud you for that.

      Im not here to put a label on you, but, if you want my honest opinion, you are in fact an alcoholic. You said you drink morning/noon/night everyday? If not an alcoholic, it could surely be considered excessive.

      I do believe that is possible to moderate, its just not a path I have chosen, and "most" people on here have also made the decision to make a clean break. I read it time and time again, where people go AF(alcohol free) for months, or even YEARS, then decide to moderate and then BAM! Right back where they fought so hard to escape.

      Maybe you could extend your plan past Lent, and shoot for a 30 day challenge. If, after those 30 days, you dont see marked improvements in your body, mind, and spirit, by all means, go back the way you felt before you stopped drinking.

      Treat yourself to something nice with all the money you dont spend on AL anymore.

      I wish you all the knowledge, support, and strength needed to reach whatever path you chose
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        Quitting for Lent

        No offence taken, I have been called an alcoholic more than once, actually they just refer to me as a drunk. Yea, Lent is really a total of 46 days so I will exceede the 30 day mark if I can make it. Honestly I have tried to just cut back per my wifes request, it didnt last more than a week and in fact it just made me want to drink more. I will just have to take one day at a time, and not think about never having it.


          Quitting for Lent

          I believe it is all about psychology. The more you think about it, the more you obsess about it and drink more. I'm looking for a way off the merry-go-round. I'm sure you can relate. We just want it to go away. I'm just a newbie with only 3 days under my belt so in essence my struggle is at the same point yours is. The people here can help. I've been reading posts off and on for 2 years. I am trying to take in as much as I can from those that have escaped this terror and live happy off the charts lives. That is what I want and I am going for. We can do this!
          "Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs


            Quitting for Lent

            Hi, Miklo.

            I am with Nelz on this. Drinking rotgut whiskey morning, noon and night? I am amazed that you can work full time and go to school while doing that! I'm hoping you'll be able to quit for Lent, as that is a good chunk of time. You will feel so much better and your head will be clear and that will hopefully encourage you to continue with no alcohol.
            I have over 90 days, but I was almost an around the clock drinker the last year of drinking, and got two DUIS. That was a huge wake up call for me!
            Keep reading and posting. Have you checked out the newbies nest? I think that would be a good place.
            We are all here to help andwe all understand!
            "One day at a time."


              Quitting for Lent

              Forgot to say thank you for serving our country. I have the utmost respect for you and your fellow soldiers.
              "One day at a time."


                Quitting for Lent

                Welcome to MWO! Everybody has to start somewhere so we are glad you found us. Read a lot. Post a lot. Have you made a plan for giving up Al for lent? Like a PLAN or are you just gonna white knuckle it?
                We are here for you.
                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                One day at a time.


                  Quitting for Lent

                  Miklo;1266239 wrote: No offence taken, I have been called an alcoholic more than once, actually they just refer to me as a drunk. Yea, Lent is really a total of 46 days so I will exceede the 30 day mark if I can make it. Honestly I have tried to just cut back per my wifes request, it didnt last more than a week and in fact it just made me want to drink more. I will just have to take one day at a time, and not think about never having it.
                  Its been way too long since Ive observed Lent quite obviously, I was thinking it was only a week or so...........DOH

                  Take it 5 minutes at a time if you have to, those minutes will add up to days, weeks and months
                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    Quitting for Lent

                    Welcome Milko, (and westiesrock)
                    I used this site as a crutch and after time really have changed my life so much with the support of the people here.
                    I know you can do it too. There is so much on this site that will help you. I hope you make it through lent and you will definitely see all the changes Nelz was stating. Looking forward to your progress.

                    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                      Quitting for Lent

                      No I dont have a plan. Today is day one and I cant stop thinking about a drink.


                        Quitting for Lent

                        Hi Miklo, just want to say the first couple days are the hardest. Once you get to the end of the week it will not be as bad as the first few days. Hang in there. When you get the urge to drink maybe try something else, like going for a walk.

                        Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                          Quitting for Lent

                          How are you doing, Miklo? Been thinking about you. Please let us know.
                          "One day at a time."


                            Quitting for Lent

                            Thanks for the concern, it means alot. I am getting by. Day 3 now, withdrawl was the worst last night and this morning and i woke up all shakey. thought about a drink, but am powering through it.


                              Quitting for Lent

                              Hi Miklo and everyone else, I am back on day one again after a period of controlled moderation that ended up controlling me as all I thought about was booze, when, how much, what kind, etc....last night was last straw as I had to basically flee a great dinner party because all I wanted to do was inhale every bit of booze I could....instead went back to booze less apartment and was in bed by 815 with lights out just to avoid up all night but not drinking so going to chalk this up as a win because had I not left there I would be much worse off than I am following your lead and likewise powering through it, one hour at a time...

