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    Checking out this site

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm new here. I have had challenges with drinking and depression since I was in my late teens. I'm turning 40 in June and am confronting the drinking again.

    I started in AA years ago and did stop for 1 year and then 4 years. But I got tired of the slogans and what I saw as an all or nothing mentality. I seemed to get competitive about number of years sober, too and felt that going back is a huge defeat and will be humiliating. I am in a sensitive job too and feel too exposed there. I desperately hope there is another way (no disrespect to AA).

    The consequences of my drinking has been problematic. I don't usually drink more than 7 drinks at a time, occasionally more or less. But I get very bold and do things I really regret. I got a DWI and sleep with people I really wish I hadn't!

    I work for myself and love my job. Unfortunately, business is very very slow and I think that has contributed to drinking too much.

    I like the idea of abstinence (there is a great list of famous people who don't drink and it is inspiring), but I don't think AA is right for me and wonder if it really works anyway. I've also read that total abstinence is worse than moderation because of the sense of failure and "I might as well drink a lot since I slipped" attitude. But, I don't really see myself drinking moderately. Too much history!

    And, I'm not sure about supplements. I don't think they are harmful, but just ineffective and unprovable. I'm not sure about hypnotherapy either. Im a sceptic is all.

    Any comments are welcome!

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    Welcome Rudiger!
    I can certainly relate to being a skeptic. I'm fairly new here (12 days AF) but stalked for several years. Have dealt with depression off and on over the years especially during stressful times. I also was self-employed (extra time on your hands and hell you can drink whenever you want ! ). Well to make a long story short, pretty much went in to melt down a few weeks back. The depression was horrible. The more depressed I got, the more I drank. The more I drank, the more I got depressed. I was just so tired of the vicious circle. Pretty much simultaneously after realizing I HAD to do something, I contacted a counselor, read the Power Is In You by Louise Hay, The Depression Cure by Stephen Ilardi, and for the 2nd time, Quit The Drink Easily by Jason Vale. I think it was a combination of all of the above, but the bottom line was I had to go with blind faith (something I never thought I had) and said enough! You can do this. And I did. I can honestly say that I have zero desire for alcohol. And the modding thought makes me cringe. I do take the All One Powder vitamins and Omego 3 Fish Oil. In the last two weeks my depression and anxiety have almost totally lifted! Start at the gym this week. My life is so great now compared to just 3 weeks ago. There are so many on this forum that will give you support and encouragement. Hop on board!
    "Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs


      Checking out this site


      Actually, I have not been depressed! With all that is going on I normally would be. I got a dwi, and do do other things that I regret. I also don't like that I need to drink, or seem to need to drink. Thanks for your response.


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        There is lots of support and advice here. Check in over at the Newbie's Nest under Getting Started. There is a lot of activity on that thread. You'll fit right in!
        "Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs


          Checking out this site

          I am sceptic of many things, AA and the spiritual recovery method one of them. But as far as anything else there is really nothing to be sceptical about. Alcohol is causing problems in your life and bringing more pain than pleasure. This would be a good reason to quit drinking. No program will make you quit if you don't want to quit. Supplements and hypnosis are great things to add to your life, but if you want to drink, you will continue to drink while taking supplements and doing hypnosis. AA helped you quit drinking, but when YOU DECIDED you wanted to drink again you did.

          The key is deciding you want to be sober more than you want to drink....nothing to be sceptical about there.


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            Hi Rudiger,

            Welcome to MWO, this is a good place!
            When I came here three years ago I really wanted to quit but just couldn't do AA either.
            I started by reading the MWO book, just download it from the health store here. It explains a lot about supplements, exercise, healthy eating & yes even the Hypno CDs. They really worked for me in helping me learn to relax without AL onboard & they changed my thinking about it as well.

            It's OK to be a bit skeptical but please know that there are lots of us here who have had great results with MWO. You do need to make a commitment & do the work but the results are fabulous

            Wishing you the best!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Checking out this site

              Thanks to everyone who has responded. Drinking is causing problems, it's scaring me. It's odd because I do want to stop drinking, but talk myself into it and it gets out of control. I guess it's complicated because quitting would mean I am not in control of myself and can't drink moderately, and I may not want to admit that I'm not in control.

              Also, I have told myself I don't want to drink but I do anyway. The resolutions seem serious at the time, it's just that they tend to dissolve quickly!


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                Rudiger;1276190 wrote: Thanks to everyone who has responded. Drinking is causing problems, it's scaring me. It's odd because I do want to stop drinking, but talk myself into it and it gets out of control. I guess it's complicated because quitting would mean I am not in control of myself and can't drink moderately, and I may not want to admit that I'm not in control.

                Also, I have told myself I don't want to drink but I do anyway. The resolutions seem serious at the time, it's just that they tend to dissolve quickly!
                I was the same way for many years. Although I hated the pain and problems drinking brought me I allowed it to be an option, over and over and over again. It was what I did, and it was who I was, again I really couldn't imagine life without it......I mean what would I do for fun, and to relax and to be me?

                I then realized when I got real desparate that all these thoughts of drinking, and the way I felt about drinking were all learned by me. I had to unlearn my feelings and thoughts about alcohol. It wasn't easy, but I did it, and now drinking does not come into my equation anymore. It's just something I don't do. I learned to love sobriety, and I just don't want to drink anymore.

