Pain and Getting High on Topi
Hi All,
Like most of us, I'm sure, I drink to feel better, and when I started the Topi this past week, the same day I started the hypno, I started feeling a little bit better.
The topi actually makes me feel spacey, and it takes the edge off. Sorta like a caffeine buzz without the shakes ... but not as good as a first martini at night. I feel less anxious, so that's good, a little spacey but not so much that I can't focus if I really need to work. I was concerned about this because I am sensitive to side effects of my hypertensive meds - but insensitive to alcohol and to pain meds. It took a day or two and I was able to focus.
That anxious, bored feeling of what-to-do in the evening still makes me want to fill my time and my glass. My knee jerk need to drink is a habit. I get a drink at night, but I'm not frantic to refill and refill like there's a hole in the glass, looking out the window guilty, wondering if a neighbor could be watching through a telescope, at my unbelievable volume of mo' bev.
The hypno and the less alcohol have helped me to sleep better, and I'm positive that helps alot too. Since I lost my job Jan 30 (corporate downsizing), I'm feeling so glad of the timing of all of this, since otherwise I'd be such a basket case! I'm able to cope much better this way.
Another thing contributing MIGHTILY to my current and very very very unusual lack of drunken evenings is the fact that my hypertension meds have been changed out to include a much larger mix of diuretics. The diuretics are extremely tough to take when drinking, and I have to intake a gallon of water during the night for every 2 glasses of wine I have. Seriously. So you see, that keeps me up all night drinking H2O and peeing.
I'm so dry, it hurts my brain and my sinus and my eyeballs even right now, at 11:47am and I've been drinking water all morning. I had 4 glasses of wine last night, more than the last few nights, and more than I'll have tonight - I am still suffering with dehydration too much because of it today.
If any of you are women battling hair loss and you are in your late 30's or later, you may want to try to get your doctor to prescribe aldactone. It is a diuretic that my dermatologist prescribed for hair loss, it helps block the androgens that cause hair loss on your scalp. It will also dehydrate you so much you can't drink!

Thanks for listening to my story - it's been less than a week, so we'll see where I go from here. I'm now going to walk in the rain to hydrate myself!!! :H