My name is Briseus and I am 25 going onto 26 and have been drinking for the past 3-4 years...I have been drinking heavily the past year or so...sometimes even in the mornings.
I have tried quitting in the past and had no issues with DTs or any of the sort...even 24 hours of sobriety I am fine. I don't shake or vomit, I just have some anxiety...
I have been reading a lot about people's withdrawals and I think I am thinking WAY too much about it and that is why I am afraid to quit cold turkey again.
Anyways, I did drink about 1.5 to 2 litres a night (sometimes even 2 litres in a day into the night, although not often) of white wine at 12.5%.
I did go and see my Doc yesterday to ask him how I can quit...he did suggest I taper off...first start off minimizing it by a litre each day...
I really don't want to prolong the drinking much longer but I am going to do what is suggested...and in a way, I don't mind, even though I do want to quit (A LOT) because it keeps the anxiety at bay.
I would like to know what you guys thought about tapering and if anyone has succeeded by doing so?
I have been on other forums where it is frowned upon and really, instead of support people tell me that it isn't going to work and that I should just quit cold turkey (even though my doc and addictions counsellor told me to just cut down if I can).
I was just looking for some success stories, wanted to say hi and give you my story.
I really am done with drinking...I am losing self-respect...I gained is putting a strain on my relationship with my boyfriend and I have disappointed my family.
But yea, thanks for listening.