My Background.
My grandpa died from a combination of smoking and drinking. He died from lung cancer at a way too early age of 57. The autospy report showed he was in early stage liver cirrohis. Meaning he basically was either going to smoke himself to death or drink his self to death. My dad would tell me stories about how he would have to go the liqour store when he was 18 and buy him a bottle of whiskey everyday. And my grandpa and his drinking buddies would get drunk everyday. So when they call it a family disease I know it's no joke. It is a family disease. I started drinking around 19 and would just party like everyone else did at that age. My family has it's ups and downs but overall I had it pretty good compared to many people. I consider myself to be a fairly intelligent and well-spoken individual. Where my lack of perscpective comes in when comes to alcohol and especially my love of life. BEER! The first time I got drunk off of beer I felt a feeling I wish would have never went away. It's true what they say that a alcoholic always is seeking there first drunk. So as I am writing this now I think I will post this in a chanpter form as I really want to get this all off my chest. This is chapter 1 and thank you all soo much for support and caring. The next chapter I will get into more details of my family, myself, and where I have been and where I want to go. :thanks: