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I guess it's about time...

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    I guess it's about time...

    I come from a long line of alcoholics, but I always thought I could avoid the "crazy" that came with drinking, because even when I would drink, nothing bad would happen and I'd just have a good time. These days, though, I almost always wake up after a night of drinking with regrets, large or small.

    For awhile, when I was working in the restaurant industry, I would drink every night. When I lived alone, I would regularly buy my wine by the case, for the discount offered by the supermarket. I was briefly married, and my ex and I were sort of a bad influence on each other. We're still friends, and hanging out with him is actually among the times when I am most likely to drink.

    A couple of years ago, while in grad school, I started dating a guy who almost never drank (maybe 3 or 4 times a year). I fell madly in love with him, and didn't be the only one ever drinking, so I basically quit, and was astonished at how much better my life was without booze. I even got down to my pre-21 weight without trying, and people started thinking I was ten years younger than I actually was. Last summer, though, I needed a job to fill the gap, so I went back to working in a restaurant, and it wasn't long before I'd developed the habit of having a glass of wine (or 3) while I closed up the bar.

    I told myself "all things in moderation" and yet I found myself telling him I'd had only one glass when I'd actually had more than that. It's strange to me that I felt like I wouldn't lie to him about anything else, so why that?

    I've since graduated with my Master's and gotten a "real job" but I've kept trying to drink like a "normal person": 1-3 times per week, mostly on weekends....but...bad stuff happens when I drink. I get feistier, more likely to start fights (with this sweet man who doesn't deserve it), more likely to dissolve into tears at the slightest provocation when I am normally level-headed, irrational, more flirtatious with inappropriate targets, the list goes on and on.

    So I think it's time to just...quit. I'm also considering motherhood in the next couple of years, and I want to make sure I really have my head on straight and haven't been drinking for at least a year before I try to get pregnant.

    I'm not usually great about sticking around and participating in online communities, but I figured this time maybe it's worth it and maybe it will help me. I had a really BAD night last, and I've been lurking on here for the better part of the afternoon (instead of working, shame on me). I just want to be sane, and when I'm sober I really am. But I am BATSHIT crazy when drunk.

    I guess it's about time...

    Hi Limonada:

    I'm just going to jump right in here: You are me 20 odd years ago. I'm 50 now, I'm thinking your 20 something. I have my masters degree as well , i also got the real job, met the great guy, drank, lost the great guy. Met another great guy, drank, lost that great guy... Lost a job...lost another...drank...always managed to find another guy and another job but the quality shall we say continued to decline...

    Now, I have wonderful kids, a new career I love and am with a man who has tolerated me... Friends lost, some wonderful ones made and my children are of course to die for...but the regrets are huge; The self loathing is sometimes stratospheric.
    Not lots of fun, I promise. :upset:

    There's another member here, Finally Done who is wonderful and a few months back he posted this kind of letter to hs 'younger' self trying to make him stop. In the end he just thinks his younger self wouldnt have listened. I'm not sure mine would have either but I would give almost anything to give it a try.

    Stay close and so glad you're here :h

    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      I guess it's about time...

      Hi Kradle,

      Thank you so much for the warm welcome. Your guess, age-wise, is pretty close. I'm 30. Things drinking-wise didn't start to turn into shenanigans until around 25, and despite a decrease in the frequency of my drinking, the shenanigans have gotten worse since I quit and started again.

      I really, really, really don't want to mess my life up. Especially not my relationship...this guy is PERFECT for me. After a lifetime of dating losers, I finally found a good one...and am finding out that maybe *I'm* the loser in this situation. Sigh.

      I can do it. I must.


        I guess it's about time...

        Hi Limonada!

        Thanks for posting your story, and boy can I relate! I'm freaking batshit crazy when I drink too! Like unbelievably so! Everything you described, I can relate to. I'm a tad older than you, okay a decade but whatever. LOL I WISH I had stopped in my 30's. I was a 12+ beer per night drinker. I've had 2 DUI's and have done some stupid ass sh*t in the past. I finally quit when I realized that I was on the fast track to death. I have a 15 year old, and I refuse to leave her because of my selfishness. The day finally came where drinking was harder than not drinking.

        You should join us over in the Newbies Nest thread, there is so much support and encouragment...we'd love to have you! Please keep posting so we can share in your journey. You'll NEVER regret quitting drinking.

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          I guess it's about time...

          I am older (and therefore smarter) than all of you!!:H:H
          if you are an alkie like all of us here
          i am so glad you reached out swettie and we will help you anyway we can....
          Come join us on the "One Step at a Time" thread or the Newbies nest:h
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            I guess it's about time...

            Yeah, I know it years ago my father died at the young age of 53, in large part due to the long-term effects of alcohol on his body. And yet...I was 24 when it happened, and didn't even consider that something like that could happen to me, so I just kept drinking (after all, it was new and fun!). I guess I'm not sorry that I did keep on, because maybe it was important for me to get a mess of partying out of my system young so that I didn't feel like I missed something once I'm older. But man, I am so ready to be DONE!


              I guess it's about time...

              check back in and let us know how you are doing...
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                I guess it's about time...

                I'm OK. Have been really busy. Haven't had a drink since I posted last, and am on the fence about my birthday, which is next week and I kind of want a nice bottle of wine when I go out to dinner. It can be my last...usually the, er, madness doesn't kick in until the 3rd or 4th glass, so if I split a bottle with my man, it should be OK...


                  I guess it's about time...

                  Limon...I just read this thread for the first time tonight. Your first post sounded like a person who had just had enough. I know there are various stages of Alcoholism, and I don't know the specifics of each one. When I read about them, I figured that I was a stage 3 Alkie. Stage 4 is when you lose your job, your health and your relationships, and have auto accidents and lose your home...anyway, Stage 4 is really bad. I took a little solice in the fact that "At least I wasn't stage 4!!" But here's the rub. I see that I was Stage 1 in my 20's....then I moved to Stage 2....and then stage 3...If I hadn't stopped, I WOULD be Stage 4! Why? Because Alcoholism is a progressive disease.

                  On 9/11 when you first posted, you sounded depressed and I felt as if you were seeing the writing on the wall. You also said that your dad passed at a young age due to AL. You seemed to know what the outcome would be if you continued to drink. Fast forward 10 days. You are AF and now you are entertaining bringing it back into your life? To what end? Do you think you will actually be able to quit at those 2 glasses and say goodbye forever? I bet I know the answer. What did you say happened after a couple glasses of wine? Is THAT how you want to celebrate your birthday? There will ALWAYS be a reason for us to drink...if the day has a Y in it....the neighbors are having a party....I have a baby shower or a wedding to doesn't take much, really. This is LIFE. If you want THE best birthday present you can give yourself, say NO, HELL NO! I will not let AL take one more day of my life! can give in and get progressively worse like I did....and almost everybody else here. You can't turn back addiction, I'm afraid. If you can look at this from 30,000 feet: I feel GREAT when I don't drink, and I feel like shit when I do. So what do you think the answer is going to be? Get sober sooner than later! READ, READ, READ on here and see if you can't find your life's story today...5 years in the future, 10 years, and 20 years later....If AL is involved it is going to be a story of struggle, self loathing, guilt and shame. You can trust me on that one. I hope you will decide to take your life back and not give up one more precious minute to AL. Please come over and visit the Newbie's Nest...we have folks in ALL stages of their quit. We have 2 nesters who will be celebrating 30 BIG DAYS tomorrow...(they will get a hat from me on behalf of the nest...a silly little thing we do, but it's amazing how it helps). Come join are NOT alone!! All the best! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    I guess it's about time...

                    OK, I'm back. I will start posting in the Newbie's Nest, but first I wanted to update you all, since you have been so kind.

                    I did drink on my birthday. I don't regret it. My boyfriend and I had a great time. I paced myself well, and never got out of control. It was actually interesting to study myself as sort of an experiment, spacing things out so that I could actually tell when the evil threatened to creep in, rather than succumbing to it like I normally would have.

                    I think I needed that goodbye—like telling an old and cherished-but-toxic friend farewell for good. Having taken that one night to revisit the good and the bad lucidly, I know I am making the right decision to quit, and I don't feel like I will be missing anything. This is the end of my third day since then with no alcohol, and I just know it's over this time. It doesn't even feel like it's going to be difficult, although I know I will change my tune some sunny afternoon when the vixen white wine sounds her siren song. I feel like I am in a good place to resist, though.

                    One thing I hadn't mentioned before is that the original "bad night" that brought me here happened partway through making a BUNCH of changes to what I put in my body. I quit smoking exactly a month ago. I quit recreational drugs—which were a very occasional thing anyway—on Labor Day. I quit caffeine (except the occasional bit of chocolate) two weeks ago. And over the past month, I've also slowly switched to organic food, started taking high-quality vitamins, and resumed my lapsed yoga practice. The booze, of course, was the last to go. My birthday, to me, was a deadline of sorts. Time to pull the plug on my unhealthy behaviors and replace them with healthy ones (also hoping to lose about 30 pounds over the next six months or so).

                    So far, I'm doing amazingly well. I feel like I have a will of steel and a new lease on life. Rather than a New Year's resolution, this is a new-year-of-my-life resolution. Three days in...


                      I guess it's about time...

             have done awesome! I think that people here gave you great direction on where you life might be headed. Don't be us. 10-20 years down the road. You still have time to change all that:h


                        I guess it's about time...

                        Lovely post, glad you made that your last tho. For so many it is hard to get straight back on the horse...... So don't let another 'birthday' derail you.

                        Good luck and well done :goodjob:


                          I guess it's about time...

                          Glad to have you here. I want for you to have the good life that so many of us compromised with our drinking. i am only on day three and I've been here since 2009; a fact i am not proud of. Don't go back there. Look at yourself in the mirror and put a big sloppy grin on your face. this is the best birthday gift you could ever give yourself. You don't drink poison. You CAN if you wish to but you CHOOSE not to. It has nothing to do with deprivation. It is simply a gift from you to you. Accept it with grace and be glad you had the wisdom to see the absolute neccesity of it. All the best.

                          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

                          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
                          ? Lao-Tzu


                            I guess it's about time...

                            Beginning a new year of life

                            Limonada. Thanks for posting. What you said about this being a new year of your life, a new year of you, resonated with me. It sounds like you have done quite a bit of reflecting and are ready to take this challenge full on.

                            Ive been wandering about on MWO for a few days and haven't really found a place to be here yet. Mostly I read in the Newbies Nest but a few threads have become rather volatile and that's not what I'm looking for. I'm approaching day 30 next week and im surprised have not found the joy i was expecting to have at this point. Keep posting. It helps all of us!
                            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking

