I have been on MWO for a couple of months now ? stumbled across it when looking for help (yet again) the morning after the night before. And might I say for the record ? I love this site. I love the support and encouragement offered without judgement and in complete sympathy, and the friends that I have made thus far. Okay, slop over :-)
Well, who am I ?
I am a 41 year old married mum of 4 boys ? and I have a problem with alcohol. I do not possess an ?off? switch ? once the tap is turned on, the floodgates open, and I can?t stop drinking.
I?ve been aware of the fact that I have had a problem with alcohol for a number of years ? hubby used to just say it was a ?habit? and I wasn?t an alkie ? well, that?s debatable !!
I have always been around alcohol. My dad was a heavy drinker ? 2 litres of cider and a few voddies, or whiskeys to finish. But not a day time drinker, so mum said he couldn?t be an alkie, since he didn?t drink in the day time. I now know that simply is not true. I grew up watching day being emotionally abusive towards my mum and my brother ? not me though. I was daddy?s girl.
I can vaguely remember sipping cider out of my dad?s pint pot while sat on his knee ? I must have only been about 3. And there the story starts...........No, I wasn?t hitting the bottle in nursery, but then again, I wasn?t discouraged from drinking as a kid either. Christmases were snowball times ? made with advocaat ? or a babycham, then blue bols and lemonade when I got a bit older. Yuk !!! But it seemed great at the time. That warm fuzzy feeling...........
Anyway, I digress.
I started my drinking career around about 14 years old ? drinking 2 cans of Special Brew on the streets with my mates ? you know how it goes. Then into pubs and clubs by the time I was 16.
Well, I left school and college and went to university ? and found copious amounts of alcohol in the student union bars ? Cheap !! I was the Merrydown queen. After I left uni, and started work, the drinking calmed down, and it was mainly Saturday night binges, which seemed ?normal? at the time. I met my hubby and we settled down and had our kids.......all the time (except while pregnant) the weekend binges continued. We have a circle of friends who all had kids around the same time, and we took it in turns each weekend to host the others.
Things started to deteriorate for me in 2001 after my second miscarriage, and work mistakenly sent me a ?Congratulations? package with champagne and flowers instead of the ?Sympathy? package ? ironic really. I had arrived home on the Saturday following a D&C, and on the Sunday I cracked open the bottle...................
This has continued for the past 11 years on and off, with the lowest point coming in January 2006, when my youngest was 3 weeks old, and my dad died. I didn?t deal with that well. In fact, I don?t think I have grieved yet !!!
I know I am not alone in facing major problems like death and miscarriage, but as a people pleaser, and to be brutally honest, a great funeral organiser (3 in the last 6 years) I tend not to face anything major. I stick it in my bad memory box in my head and drown it in AL. And that?s worked up to now..........until I found MWO and realised that this may not be the best coping mechanism I could employ.
I am known as the life and soul of the party ? always good for a laugh ? and a good old sesh !! Truth is, I?m getting a bit sick of that reputation now. I?m looking at me kids, and now the 15 year old starts to want a beer at the weekend, I know I need to change as I am not currently leading by example.
I wonder if I?ll ever find my ?off? switch ? I just don?t know. But I am trying. Every day. I recently got 6 days AF under my belt ? the longest in 6 years, and I felt great !! Peaceful and serene. But then the dreaded Friday and ?I?ll just have a couple? came round, and I feel off the wagon, and been struggling with 2 or 3 days AF since.
I know I?ve come a long way really, in a short space of time, in the fact that I?ve acknowledged the problem and I?m trying to do something about it. When I stop trying is when I will fail completely.
Anyway, just thought I?d share.
I'll keep you all posted on my upcoming progress