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hello, i just wanted to say thank you for the support and the feedback. I started my day with running 4 miles in central park and then went to my agent to drop off my head shots. I'm really going to be sober. everyone is so worried about me, including me. but i can do it and i know that i'm not alone and i know that we all have struggles that we need to overcome. Now it's my time to focus on me, fitness, acting and enjoying new york for the wonderful place that it is. I have the world in my hands and when I'm sober people love me, when I'm drunk no one wants to be around me. i've got to quit because I'm worth it, my huspands worth it, my life is worth it. we all are worth it. Living a clean and sober life is the only option that i have and it's really not that bad of an option. a lot of people don't drink including my huspand but he doesn't understand because he just doesn't like drinking. Today I told him that today is day 2 and he said "cut out the bullshit with the day 1 and day 2, just quit drinking" but he doesn't understand the disease b/c he doesn't have it. he doesn't understand that "one day at a time" is the only thing we can do. He doesn't understand the meetings, he doesn't know why I have to go to meetings for support, he thinks he should be my support. but he lives in Florida and I am in New York living alone trying to be someone. I find that writing these blogs really helps me release all this built up emotions that flutter around in my head. He wouldn't understand that either. but i thank you for understanding.Tags: None
I understand... it sounds like you're married to my Hubby, except mine loves his beer...
Hey and congrats on day 2! That is a wonderful thing. Don't let anyone dare to discount that for you. It's easier said than done.
:l JudieThe only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink:
Wonderful post!
I understand where you are coming from. You sound very committed.
My husband doesn't understand either but he has a problem but won't stop - as a result he doesn't believe in me...... but the people here do - hope we can help !!!
Love S
Keep posting . i get on here to read or post daily...i think i am addicted to it (joke)
Seriously really helps to share the struggle and to gain strength from other s with drinking problems.
It Also makes me feel accountable and cut the honest as here there is nobody to kid. Also i feel for the first time in my life that if I fail by my own definition then thats ok too. Now that just means get right back on track and use this site for support.
I have said it before i think, can be lonely in an marriage from time to time when you feel misunderstood or unsupported. I have been married yonks and have had the highs and lows and greatly believe in marriage judged on my own experience of it.
however i am honest and realistic enough to say there have been times when I really felt alone emotionally not just about drinking but other stuff, faith,esteem any stuff in my head/
My hubby listens to me a lot and on the Af stuff he is on day 29 with me. His needs are different ..he doesnt need to go on and on about it whereas at present I do!!!
However his support and coming on board with this has been the most amazing experience for me...nothing would have been worse when i tried to get started than for him to crack a can open .
so finally in response to the "support" thread..dont be mad with hubby ..he just doesnt get it and you may be driving him nuts about the ISSUE.
dont feel alone though,maybe give him a break on the booze subject and get your support from this site and a close friend if you feel there is one you can trust.
My boozing habits have certainly for me has been thoughts paramount in my mind in the evenings and i am trying not to go on and on and on to hubby.
Its been easier over last 2 weeks as we have a new pattern in the evening, walks, TV, me playing on this site for a while, keep fit, badminton, meals out etc all alcohol free.
You learn where to get your support and that can vary at times..sometimes you dont want to share with those close and other times you really do and they dont get it!!At the end of the day we must live in hope and seek out appropriate healthy other words this site has it all!!!
good luck
regards Cassy
I understand what you mean, my boyfriend doenst have a problem with drinking, and tells me to "just stop" Very funny.
I hate that I just cant go out and have a good time without getting smashed and then waking up having panic attacks and worried that everyone is mad at me and doesnt want to be my friend any longer. Its great that there are other people out there that go through the same thing, not that I would wish these feelings on anyone!
My husband doesn't drink at all so he doesn't understand why I can't just stop either. So I hear where you are coming from. We are different, our brains are wired differently than other people's brains. 2 days is amazing! Don't let anyone tell you differently. You stay strong!!!!! xoLearning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower: