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Just For Me

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    Just For Me


    Just For Me

    I think this is such a good idea Sun. :thanks:

    Reading others journeys is very important to me. I have felt so profoundly alone for so many years...this helps me enormously. :l:l
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      Just For Me

      Thank you Kradle.

      Right now I am dealing with a friend's death. He committed suicide. He had no wife or kids....just a dog is in the obit. This friend.....was Mr. Popular in HS. I know that if you "peek" in HS its not a good thing....but, this is hard for me to take today.

      Like I said "this is for me". Anyone is welcome to follow and comment.


        Just For Me

        Excellent SF - I really think this is a great idea. Documenting for yourself your own journey - the ups, downs and plateaus, FOR YOU. Precisely why I have the Stella thread.

        As Kradle said - documenting for yourself your own journey will no doubt help and support others own journeys.

        I am so sorry to hear about your friends death. These things can hit us incredibly hard. Look after yourself Sunflower.

        RC :l


          Just For Me

          Sunflower, glad to see that you are here too. I'll be following your blog and may just start something up in January depending on what's going on. Right now, I will be content to work really hard at not drinking and to cheer you along here on your blog. Accountability is the name of the game and this is a great way to be accountable to yourself. All the best in 2013.

          I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
          ? Lao-Tzu


            Just For Me

            Sunflower, good for you! I will read and cheer you on as well :yougo:
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              Just For Me

              Thank you to everyone.

              Today I reflected on that first drink ever. I was 16 and my boyfriend gave it to me. We only had one beer between us. I remember the awful taste (I think I managed two sips) first thought could anyone even drink this stuff!

              I don't think I was an alcoholic from the set "go" on that drink. Rather I choose really bad relationships that encouraged drinking. The habit got set over a period of years.

              I've been having flashbacks.....not the good times drinking....more the bad ones that I cringe at. Some of them were 20 years ago......some just one week ago.

              Although I love Mario's "stages" of all definitions I would have revolved around stage 1 most of the time.....putting my toe in the water on stage 2. Always going back to stage 1.

              Rather, I look at the experiences I did while drunk. I can barely keep up with the lies I have explain time off of work. And they are pretty darn good....and horrifying to me. The awful things I have said to people. Horrifying.

              The bottom line is....I have a problem with AL. I don't need any "stages" to tell me otherwise. My goal in 2013 is to attack the anxiety. When my goal is getting sober....I get bored of it. My goal is to create a full life.....knowing that I need disipline to keep the anxiety in check. And AL is a big no, no.....but, there are things I HAVE to do (yoga, working out, eating right etc.) and things I have to stay away from.....(sugar and caffiene).

              Thats it for now.


                Just For Me

                SF, I will be following you here and cheering you on! I know you can do it. The anxiety plays such a huge role in alcoholism.
                So sorry about the loss of your friend. How very sad--and at the holidays.
                "One day at a time."


                  Just For Me

                  I had thought this was a good idea. Met with theerpist today....and she did not agree. So I am signing off on this thread.


                    Just For Me

                    TheSunFlower;1435854 wrote: I had thought this was a good idea. Met with theerpist today....and she did not agree. So I am signing off on this thread.
                    Good news on the therapist SF hope she is the right fit. And doing what is right for you is right for you.
                    C u soon :h


                      Just For Me

                      Just wanted to say Happy New Year, SF, and will look for you on the other threads. Glad you found a good therapist. I had one last year, and she did help me.

                      Big:l for you!

                      "One day at a time."

