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New Girl Grateful...

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    New Girl Grateful...


    Hello, thought I should jump right in...

    It's day 2 of the most recent attempt to love myself back to health, free of alcohol. I have explored this site many, many times and feel that it's a great place to heal, find and give support. I'm not sure if alcohol has ever been really pleasurable for me, mostly it's been a tool to punish, abuse, and drown myself in. So, honestly giving it up isn't feeling like a loss, per se. I don't see it as a 'friend' or 'reward.' It has taken me to the depths of personal hell, which is why I chose the username Persephone. I truly see it as a poison that is out to destroy me body, mind and soul.

    I'm at a major transition point in my life?I moved back to the midwest to care for my mom as she passed away from cancer and left a 5 year toxic relationship and a terrible employer. I am currently unemployed and living in a cozy cabin on the lake in my home town, surrounded by the love of my family. I am grateful that I still have my health (hopefully), and no major consequences from the messy lifestyle I chose, save the effects on my own psyche. Now is a time of re-birth and renewal for me.

    I'm working on a plan, including all of the prescribed actions listed on this site. The only thing I am personally disinterested in is AA, it's not for me. I don't believe that higher power has any responsibility in this situation. I put myself here and it's up to me to do something about it. I do, however, need a place and to be accountable to, so this is ideal I think.

    You are all an inspiration and I'm sending good juju to you. Thanks so much...
    "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:

    New Girl Grateful...

    Welcome to MWO Persephone. Sounds like you have a jump start and ready to work a plan of action. I'm looking forward to learning more about you!
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      New Girl Grateful...

      :welcome: to already sound more than ready. Your attitude that alcohol is simply a poison mirrors my own and made quitting so much easier. Therefore you only have the physical side to overcome, which TBH is not that hard.....a week tops.

      Jump into Newbies nest and wing your way to freedom.


        New Girl Grateful...

        Persephone...welcome what a great attitude......I put myself here I will sort it..thats really positive...times will get tough ..but believe me its all worth it.....jump into the newbies nest as the mad woman posting before me said :H:H:H only joking KY....but seriously you will get tons of help there to start off tho with that attiude you will do just ace
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          New Girl Grateful...


          A big hello and welcome to you.

          You seem to have started with the right attitude, which is half the battle. This is a great place to further our learning and strengthen our resolve. There are a number of helpful friends here who are a bit further ahead on the sober journey.

          All the best and am looking forward to your posts.


            New Girl Grateful...

            Welcome Persephone, You have come to a great site. You will find many tools here to help you on your journey of healing. There is a link at the bottom of this post that takes you to a Tool Box thread. That's a good place to get started. Again, welcome aboard and you can get sober and stay that way...This time 4 sure!
            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
   Newbies Nest
   Tool Box
   How to get a sobriety plan


              New Girl Grateful...

              Welcome, Persephone! I hope you settle in and reach your goal...
              Alcoholic (or Ally)

              "Only a fool knows everything.
              A wise man knows how little he knows."

              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                New Girl Grateful...

                Thanks for the's great to be a part of this. Day 3 and no desire to veer off path...yay! Wishing you all peace and love on your journey today.
                "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                  New Girl Grateful...

                  Persephone1;1451839 wrote: :new:

                  Hello, thought I should jump right in...

                  It's day 2 of the most recent attempt to love myself back to health, free of alcohol. I have explored this site many, many times and feel that it's a great place to heal, find and give support. I'm not sure if alcohol has ever been really pleasurable for me, mostly it's been a tool to punish, abuse, and drown myself in. So, honestly giving it up isn't feeling like a loss, per se. I don't see it as a 'friend' or 'reward.' It has taken me to the depths of personal hell, which is why I chose the username Persephone. I truly see it as a poison that is out to destroy me body, mind and soul.

                  I'm at a major transition point in my life?I moved back to the midwest to care for my mom as she passed away from cancer and left a 5 year toxic relationship and a terrible employer. I am currently unemployed and living in a cozy cabin on the lake in my home town, surrounded by the love of my family. I am grateful that I still have my health (hopefully), and no major consequences from the messy lifestyle I chose, save the effects on my own psyche. Now is a time of re-birth and renewal for me.

                  I'm working on a plan, including all of the prescribed actions listed on this site. The only thing I am personally disinterested in is AA, it's not for me. I don't believe that higher power has any responsibility in this situation. I put myself here and it's up to me to do something about it. I do, however, need a place and to be accountable to, so this is ideal I think.

                  You are all an inspiration and I'm sending good juju to you. Thanks so much...
                  Welcome, Persephone!

                  We are both beginners (today is my day 5 after many aborted attempts - some as long as 10 or 12 days - beginning last summer) and like you, I realized that AA is not for me but a forum like this just might be! Perhaps in person some people are as honest and open and straightforward as they are here but I have my doubts... and I know for sure I would have a hard time speaking up. I also lurked and read here for awhile and then decided to just jump in and do it. Many posters suggest reading, of course, but also to post often. I think that is a difficult challenge but I'm realizing it is the best thing to do. I'm not much of one to talk about myself normally so it feels rather self-centered (and probably rather boring for others to read). But - I hate the thought of just disappearing from this forum because I failed and was embarrassed and did not want to admit it (hmmm... where did that NoSugar go????) and I also really do not want to have to post that I failed (although I will do so if I have to - promise!!). Anyway, wanting to post my success is very motivating for me. When I have been tempted, I have thought about typing here what I did. Just that little brake really helps me.

                  Anyway, I'm glad you are here and maybe we can travel this road together.


                    New Girl Grateful...


                    I appreciate your sharing yourself and struggles, that's what makes this forum so amazing. I think of all the times I've tried alone to overcome this stuff only to fall on my head again and again...The idea of having to potentially share my shame and humiliation terrifies me, but also encourages me because the people here seem to be very accepting. That's a true comfort. Some of the most motivating stories are the ones where people 'slip' and share that pain. It jolts my memory, slaps me in the face and I think, Oh Yeah, that's why I made this decision. All the openness, the raw emotions, the frailty, all the forgiveness, and the encouragement here is astounding. I'm super grateful to have found this. Plus, being able to access it ANYTIME is a HUGE benefit. So happy that you're on this journey too and perhaps you can find a way to receive from others and go ahead and talk about yourself! I for one would love to hear more...wishing you a wonderful day and if you ever feel like slipping down the slope, or just need to vent, I'm here to cheerlead you on! That's goes for all of you actually!

                    Happy Monday, P & L.
                    "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                      New Girl Grateful...

                      Hi Persephone and NoSugar,

                      Would just like to wish you both well for your journey's and look forward to hearing from you.

                      Ive found this place to be very helpful so far. It helps to have people of all ages and backgrounds who understand what we face. I love reading posts from those who are years free from booze and enjoying their lives and from those who are like myself at the beginning of the journey.

                      Hopefully see ya both around xo


                        New Girl Grateful...

                        A cabin by a lake. I can think of no more tranquil a setting in which to get your mind and body back on track.


                          New Girl Grateful...

                          I just joined today. I'm pretty afraid. I'm seeing my Dr. in the morning, and ordering all the stuff on here............... I just want to weep.......


                            New Girl Grateful...

                            I just joined today. I'm real afraid. Going to see my Dr. In the morning.


                              New Girl Grateful...

                              Drakko, Despite what the doctor may say, be happy that you are taking the first step toward taking back control of your life.

