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my change of events.......

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    my change of events.......

    well here we go.......

    I come from a family of 6 siblings , and alcoholic father and a tea toddling mother. They divorced when I was just 3 years old. When they divorced my older brother became the 'father figure' of the house. I had a twin sister who was the most beautiful girl in the world! My older brother would often categorize us as the 'smart one , and the pretty one". For years this left me with such low self esteem and no self worth. My twin sister also felt the burden of only looking beautiful therefore seeked out any male she could find. Later years she became an addict to alcohol and cocaine. She had two beautiful daughters who were taken from her. She spiraled down from there and contracted HIV.... at 42 she died from aids complications.

    I began drinking in my teens to fit in socially. i would binge drink on the weekends, however could hold down a good job ..."as i was the smart one". Boyfriends came and went for most of my 20's . I met the love of my life at 29 and we married and had two beautiful children. My husband is a non drinker therefore any of my binges would put him in a tail spin of anger. Over the years I have managed to talk, walk, hide my way out of most of my binges with him, friends and family. I am well respected within my workplace.
    Holding down 3 high pressure jobs.

    At 40 years old we took in one of my twin sisters children (she was age 11) we raised her as our own. She has become a successful member of society and does not drink at all. (many events of seeing her mom wasted). Things were going along pretty good for me, my life was awesome..besides the odd hangover.....and the constant look of disappointment on my husbands face...

    Fast forward....

    52 years of age (birthday is tomorrow) sitting in a hotel room , by myself feeling the worst gut wrenching feeling ever!. Husband is given me an ultimatum...for the first time ever drank while working...and got caught by a staff member......... going out of control. This is a marriage breaker. I have been sober for 5 days now and the thought of a drink is literally making me sick. This has affected all aspects of my life now...before it was an intimate problem between husband and wife......I have no self respect at this moment and just want this nightmare to be over. Blessed to have found other suffers..

    Thats my story and I am sticking to it!
    You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......

    my change of events.......

    Hi Columbia, I'm glad you are here. What a story.

    You have met your crossroads and seem to be ready to face it full on. You are 5 days sober! That's an amazing accomplishment. Celebrate that and use whatever tools you can here to keep moving forward.

    I am sorry to hear about your sister. My dad also died of complications due to AIDS. It's a tragic way for someone to die. My heart goes out to you -- especially losing a twin. I've heard it can be like losing a limb.

    Hugs to you, LJ


      my change of events.......

      thanks for responding ljeaner............

      funny my sister's name was in your name............hmmmm divine powers working here............

      just went for a run........debating whether to see my husband or not today...not quite sure what to tell him.......he has obviously heard it all before.........

      still thinkin my next move...............right now enjoying reading everyones story..... i feel i am finally not doing this all alone.........

      lets chat more......:new:
      You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


        my change of events.......

        Columbia ... I think just keep doing what your doing and not worry about hubby at the moment. He will surely notice the changes in you soon enough. And yes, you are not alone. We are all here with you every step of the way! LJ


          my change of events.......

          Also, what strategies do you have in place now to help keep moving you forward. Are you taking the supplements? Or what have you been doing to keep yourself AF?


            my change of events.......

            Hi Columbia and thanks for sharing your story with us.
            Well done on five days sober, take it one day at a time, i know your heard it before but really is the key, all any of us can do is not drink today and worry about tomorrow ... tomorrow.
            A lot of people never accept that they have a problem , you have and you might not think that your husband is doing a good thing but he is not enabling you or your drinking and i have a lot of respect for people partner's when they do that and take a stand, (my wife didn't and who knows i might have got sober sooner if she had).
            This can be a positive in your life now , a time where you move on and reclaim it and i have no doubt your husband wants you back and sober, take care and read and post as much as you can here, i wouldn't be sober had i not joined this site . MM
            AF 5/jan/2011


              my change of events.......

              52 years of age (birthday is tomorrow) sitting in a hotel room , by myself feeling the worst gut wrenching feeling ever!. Husband is given me an ultimatum...for the first time ever drank while working...and got caught by a staff member......... going out of control. This is a marriage breaker. I have been sober for 5 days now and the thought of a drink is literally making me sick. This has affected all aspects of my life now...before it was an intimate problem between husband and wife......I have no self respect at this moment and just want this nightmare to be over. Blessed to have found other suffers..
              Hi Columbia,
              As others have said you've done so well already. You got 5/6 days by now.
              It might not feel like it right now- but you are in a very good place.
              You've wakened up to the reality of what your habit is doing to your life.
              Yes, you are in a vulnerable place espcially in a hotel room alone -but it won't be forever!
              We are here for you. Keep posting any time of day or night and I'm sure there will be help here for you.
              Take care and stay strong.
              Sobriety is its own reward


                my change of events.......

                thanks Kairos.......

                gonna be a good day.......... i have decided that.............

                went home yesterday.....kinda feeling like my compass in heading north right now...........

                thanks to everyone...........
                You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


                  my change of events.......

                  Great news but don't go away!
                  Recovery takes a long time.
                  And we're here to help each other.

                  Sobriety is its own reward

