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So ashamed for so long

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    So ashamed for so long

    Hi all (realized I posted this in the wrong forum before):

    I am sure my story is so similar to so many others here. I am so tired of myself. I am 33, married with a 2 year old daughter. I don't understand how I got to this place in my life, but I guess that is neither here nor there, I am here now.

    I started drinking socially when I was 20/21.. typical drinking for that age, maybe 2 weak rum and cokes, or possibly a beer or two out with friends. Loved going out, never "passed out" but enjoyed a buzz now and then- maybe once every two weeks or so on the weekend. Fast forward to when I married my husband at 27. We moved across the country days after our honeymoon for his job. That's when it started....I knew no one, I was lonely and bored, although I worked (from home). I started buying the larger bottles of white wine secretly, I'd drink maybe a third of the bottle....then half the bottle over the course of an evening.

    It was then that I started putting wine in my plastic cup at 3 in the afternoon, thinking my husband wouldnt notice. Sometimes he'd ask, other times he didnt. I'm sure he always knew, in hindsite. I'd do this maybe 3 times a week.

    Fast forward to now- years later..... I am up to drinking 5-6 days per week, I can easily drink 1.5 to 2 bottles of wine over the course of a day.

    ROCK BOTTOM (which I will repost in the rock bottom thread as well):

    I could die, I am so disgusted with myself, but I have to get this out: On Monday, my husband dropped my daughter off at a drop in daycare place in our neighborhood. Some hours later around 4pm, I picked her up- I was buzzed. I can't believe I did that. At that, the girl at the front desk noticed, but didn't say anything. I know that she noticed, because she called my husband after we left and told him that I was drunk, stumbling, wasn't going to let me take my daughter, but by the time she tried to think of what to say to me, I had left. THANK GOD we made it home safe. I am so ashamed.

    My husband told my sister about the incident, in turn my sister told my father, all as a way to support me going forward, I guess for accountability sake.

    I should add that today is day 3 AF for me- last drink was Monday for obvious reasons. Needless to say my husband confronted me with a mix of anger, concern and bewilderment at how could I do that, and we get to get me some help. He promises to be supportive as I pursue my sobriety. Tomorrow I am going to see my doctor to talk with her about options.

    I'll be posting regularly until and after I find my own way out.
    AF since 3/12/13.

    Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
    Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

    I'm on my way.

    So ashamed for so long

    Welcome Onmyway. Nothing you can tell us will shock or dismay us. We have all done terrible things while under the influence.
    I am surprised I am not dead or in prison.
    But guess what? You never have to feel this way again. You can have a sober, rich life and be the wife and mother you know you can be by staying sober.
    You will have to make a sobriety plan, post and read a lot and put your sobriety above anything else. It's not easy sometimes, even when our rock bottoms are solid. But you have our support and I am very glad you found us.
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      So ashamed for so long

      IOMW, I completely relate to your story and your bewilderment at your own behavior. I have my own such stories. Alcohol addiction/dependence, whatever you want to call it, is insidious and baffling.

      "Remember that we deal with alcohol, cunning, baffling, powerful!
      Without help it is too much for us...."
      ~Alcoholics Anonymous, 1st ed.

      I am not a member of AA, nor do I recommend any particular recover method. But the above statement is something to be understood and believed. Keep posting, and good luck finding your way out.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        So ashamed for so long

        Hi IOMW and :welcome:

        As I read your post, I was thinking exactly what Nursie posted. And I also agree with everything Dill posted - cunning, baffling and powerful indeed. Without help it was too much for me, for sure!

        I could just feel that feeling inside as I read your post and FELT the guilt and shame you felt when you were "busted" picking up your daughter. I was "busted" in that way by my boss and my husband and even then, kept going for a looooong time before I just accepted the truth that me and AL cannot coexist in the same body! Good for you coming here and starting your own journey to sobriety.

        I became very bold and willing to try anything to get sober. I pretty much lived on this forum and eventually I added AA to my arsenal. I am also an avid follower of recovery methods - SMART recovery is a REBT (rational emotive behavior therapy) based program that helped me too. I suggest putting whatever ideas you have about the stigma of addiction aside, and just looking under every rock until you find what works for you.

        Good luck!! Being sober has allowed me the freedom to change my life in so many wonderful ways. I also have to "feel the pain" instead of numbing out when times are tough. But it's all good - I'm in a much better place with all of life's ups and downs now. You can do it too. We are all kindred spirits!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          So ashamed for so long

          :welcome: Hi, IOMW,

          Have you checked out the Newbies Nest? The link is in my signature. It is a great place to hang out when you are starting to deal with all this. There are people at all stages --- just beginning people like yourself, making some progress people like me, and experienced, caring, wonderful mentors. You'll find love, support, and when needed, stern reminders!!

          There also is a toolbox link below -- some of the ideas might be just what you need to start getting alcohol OUT of your life.

          Hope to see you in the Nest!

          - NS


            So ashamed for so long

            Hi IMWO and welcome
            Joining the chorus of great insight and experience. I felt every word of your post right thru my toes...

            THIS is the Go To Place to put all that behind you and move up and out with your daughter and husband. It wil be hard...sorry to say....but everyone here is more than experienced and willing to stay with you 24/7. There are people from all over the world in our boat at MWO.

            Stay close and definitely pop to the Newbie Nest,

            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              So ashamed for so long

              Thank you ALL so much for replying. I really am starting to feel better. The incident with my daughter really shook me to my core. So far this is day 5 AF for me with no craving. Being honest, physically, I feel wonderful- I felt a little jittery on day 2, but from there all has been well. Sadly I can't remember the last time I went 5 days without at least one drink.

              On to day 6!
              AF since 3/12/13.

              Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
              Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

              I'm on my way.


                So ashamed for so long

                Hey, good for u for taking this incident seriously. I know plenty of people who have somehow managed to do this for years, although not in the US. I say that because if you get stopped by the police up there you are in really big trouble. I don't dare to even j-walk in NYC anymore. Not to change the subject. I think your family also sound great. Somehow, I think you are going to do just fine. Hang in there!
                March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
                May 29: back to day 1
                June: The battle continues......


                  So ashamed for so long

                  I will have to look into this SMART recovery is a REBT (rational emotive behavior therapy) as well. Thanks doggygirl. This isn't the first time I've tried to stop, so I know I am going to have to formulate a serious plan or it won't last.
                  March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
                  May 29: back to day 1
                  June: The battle continues......


                    So ashamed for so long

                    Just checking in On My Way - hope you are feeling better!
                    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                      So ashamed for so long

                      Thanks Wagoneer! I feel great! Clear headed, I have energy, good mood, etc.

                      Day 8 almost down It's just 3:30pm here, but I know I won't drink anything.

                      Day 9 AF here I come!
                      AF since 3/12/13.

                      Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
                      Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

                      I'm on my way.


                        So ashamed for so long

                        Posting to hold myself accountable- hubby has been out of town, he comes back tonight....I can't believe I didn't give in and buy my usual wine while he was gone. Day 9 is almost down.

                        At first I wanted to moderate. In these days of clarity, I figure what is the point? Do I want to count drinks for the rest of my life? I don't want to think about alcohol at all. The only way for that to happen is to not drink at all. Maybe my stance will change a year from now, but in this moment I can't imagine even bothering trying to moderate.

                        here i come day 10
                        AF since 3/12/13.

                        Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
                        Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

                        I'm on my way.

