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    I love this site

    Welcome Gardener and Kittykat!:welcome:

    This is a fabulous site! I'm 52 and although I own a condo and my idea of gardening is to buy fabulously big planters of flowers....I love to cook, too, and I used to LOVE my Chardonnay after work...and during the day on weekends, too.

    Kittykat, I drank two bottles of wine on two occasions and OMG....the hangovers the next day:upset:...they were just god-awful.

    Gardener...I post on the Monthly Abs thread, with a bunch of other long-term AF women (we're a close-knit bunch) and a lucky but occasional male.:H. The key for me to quitting drinking was not only Baclofen (low-dosage....currently maintaining at 40 mgs per day) but changing my daily routine. I used to work out before work as it really got me pumped up for the day. At the end of a long day, I thought I "deserved" my wine. Now why did I deserve something that only made me fat, and too unmotivated to do anything else the rest of the evening? So, I started working out after work and found that once I had a pounding good work out...I not only didn't want to drink, but I wasn't interested in food either. I've lost 35 lbs. and I used to weigh between 115-125. I'm determined to get there....and when I do....I'm taking all my hard-earned money that I didn't spend on wine (and then later...scotch) and buy myself the most amazing kick-ass new wardrobe. Eye on the prize, my dear. Eye on the prize. Keep posting and reading. We're a loyal bunch!


      I love this site

      Oh, this is getting ridiculous...I'm 53, love to cook, garden and was a wine/vodka drinker. I drank for 25 years and thought I would never be able to find peace, but here I am 2 years + later sober!! You can do it! Come join us in the Newbie's Nest...we have great success there, it's where I finally found a way out. I check in there first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It's a recipe that works for me! See you there! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        I love this site

        Kittykat321;1506227 wrote: Hi I am new to the site too , been drinking 2 bottles of wine almost nightly for several years , 9pm is the killer time and I can consume that wine in less than 2 hours knock myself out and then start over Again the following night , Every morning I wake up hating myself for being weak and promise myself that's the last day ... I have tried so many times to not buy the stuff , but my cravings kick in .... And off I go to the off licence ... Like my life depends on it .... I have decided after reading through the forums here and finding so much inspiration to try the Bac route , I'm on day 4 , 3 of which have been AF more through determination at this stage but I'm already feeling positive ... Which is definitely a first .
        Substitute vodka for wine and that is me! Twenty three years off daily promises and when I actually did it it wasn't that hard. I am so annoyed with myself.....what a waste!


          I love this site

          Okay, I am going to throw a wrench into the works here:

          I am 40 and used to love beer! SO THERE! LOL

          Welcome Gardener...we are happy to have you aboard!! I look forward to getting to know you.

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            I love this site

            haha trust you K9 to have to be different!

            Hello I am 54, used to love wine (or rum or vodka or tequila). I love to garden but I live in the city not a lot of space. I hope you're going well I think you're on your first week now AF is that right? Keep us posted!
            Newbies Nest
            My accountability thread


              I love this site

              Hey 3june2013, that's right, tomorrow is day 5 AF for me. Really enjoying the camaraderie here and am feeling great. Looking forward to many, many AF days with all you guys.

              Congrats to you as well, love your avatar, easy reminder of quit date.
              "A good garden may have some weeds"
              Thomas Fuller


                I love this site

                Well, I think enough time has passed that I can do this......

                Mid-fifties, Wine is my good friend, I love cooking out of my garden, and I used to love sitting and watching my garden grow while drinking Chardonnay......

                But now cutting way down with AF days growing. Doing lots of reading instead of drinking wine at night and I am loving the approach of "The Heart of Addiction". I never wanted a label or to think I was doomed to a life long struggle - would rather take the 'pay attention to the triggers approach' - lets see what this does...

                Happy Day all!



                  I love this site

                  Hope to hear from you soon!

                  :h NS

