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trying again for another day one

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    trying again for another day one

    Hello yall.....again.

    I have lurked on this site for years....have even written some. I am not sure why I am trying again, since I normally get so nervous and anxious when I don't have my "medicine" that I end up right back at it within a few days to a few weeks. I have not gone more than a month without drinking daily since probably 2008 when I went to rehab after the suicide of my brother. I have cut back....but never less than 3 or 4 a day. Luckily I only drink beer....but really, does what I drink really matter?

    My father recently died of cancer. I quit my job in August to help care for him. I came home in January after he died in December and I started to drink even MORE than my normal 3.....suddenly I am drinking 6 to 8 beers a day....taking Xanax some nights when the depression got really bad. I did this until about May.....and now I am able to stay around 4 or 5 beers a day...weekends I may drink more....but I have tried not to drink a six pack every day. But it's just so hard to stop. I get anxious just thinking about it....

    Sad that it took my father's death to realize that I suffer from anxiety. I always thought I was "tough" having survived a terrible childhood and an abusive first marriage. I was very lucky in that I didn't start heavily drinking until I was in my late 30's. I will be 47 in October.
    I have stomach issues galore and I am sure other things that I have been too scared to get checked out. I get occasional neuropathy in my fingers and feet. My skin is terrible and I have a tremor. I think my enlarged right ventricle of my heart may have been caused by my long term abuse of alcohol. I cannot remember things much anymore. My husband will talk about a weekend or gathering or incident.....and I won't remember a THING about it. I used to have monthly grand mal seizures, but those have given way to just having seizures when I am over heated or terribly upset. I have blown up in weight. One would think that someone who used to be anorexic thin would be motivated by the weight gain....but I just look at my swollen belly and shrug my shoulders and get more beer...(adding to my depression and self loathing).

    All of these things and I STILL cannot stop. Every day I tell myself I will not get beer after work and every day my brain says....just this one more time....
    I try stopping on the first of the month....after a holiday....let's just go to this one last party and I'll stop after....the best I can do is drink 3 instead of 6 beers that day.....but I always end up back at it.
    I have promised my husband that I would stop drinking if he stops smoking. I partially know that he will never stop I am perpetually off the hook.

    My father made me the beneficiary of a very large life insurance policy. I am currently in the court system, fighting his estranged wife of 9 months for it....another anxiety causing situation. I know I will win as the law is on my side and I am, after all, the beneficiary. I had planned on taking some of that money and going through a 30 day rehab in stead of the 2 week one I failed. But I worry that it won't help...that until my MIND has understood why I must quit and my SOUL accepts it....I will be stuck in the bottle of IPA forever.

    I don't know why I am writing here again other than I still have a small light of hope. My MD has offered to give me Anabuse. I have experienced first hand what that drug does when you drink while on it as Flagyl does the same thing if you drink while on it...
    I turned my doc down....but have kept it in my mind as an alternative. I already have a fatty I really need to do something unless I just want to die with a can of lager in my hand....

    I have been lucky because I have not run anyone off yet as a result of my drinking. I know my husband has lost some respect for me...but he is killing himself with cigarettes and he also is a binge he doesn't say anything to me about it.....but I can see it in his eyes when I, once again, turn down a gathering or activity because I would rather sit here and drink myself to sleep.

    So why am I writing this? I guess to remind myself to try and try again.....that I really DO know what I must do. I am going for August first, (I love day ones being on the first). I am tapering down until then....I cannot afford an inpatient detox.....and I know tapering can work. If I can just stop remembering how that first beer my body just sighs and relaxes....better than pot...better even then the Xanax......

    Wish me luck and cross your fingers and toes.......maybe this time I'll make it!

    trying again for another day one

    Wow C. I too had a brother who committed suicide. My dear father also died of cancer 5 months ago. I suffer frm anxiety..panic attacks etc..and i drink too much..binger. day 2 today af. I welcome you to mwo and hope this site inspires you to quit. Lots of folk here who struggle too. Read and post often..all thd best. Xxx


      trying again for another day one

      I relate to quite a bit of what you have written. I also lost my mom to cancer, had some painful relationships and other experiences. I used alcohol to numb me.

      I also went from being incredibly fit and athletic to doughy.

      You mentioned rehab but not sure if it would work until you know you want it. Isn't even considering it showing that a part of you does want it? Doesn't posting here say that some part of you wants sobriety? Build on that! Build on that little part that says "I want better. I want sobriety"

      When I walked into my first meeting over a year ago, I was still massively hung over, full of shame and no clue if I truly wanted sobriety. But a small part of me did. So I went for it. I had two months. Then decided I was "cured" and could socially drink. I did for a while. Until I decided to be social more often.

      So here I am again. More aware of how big of a problem addiction can be. But also more aware of what tools are available. Am I 100% committed to this? Most days, yes. Some days, I have those "I want a drink" moments. But that small part of me fighting for sobriety is pretty strong right now. So I'm building on it.

      You can do this. We can do this. Sites like MWO prove that people get sober. And do better. And live better. And feel better.


        trying again for another day one

        I definitely want to stop.....I went to rehab after my brother died....I only managed a month AF.....

        I ALWAYS have the best intentions....and last night...I drank EIGHT...yes, that's right...8 beers...I didn't even realize I had drank that much until I was like, "WHOA.....I don't feel so hot..." I was asleep when my husband got home.....I am ashamed that I drank MORE last night than the LESS I had planned, (I am trying to taper down so I can try to stop on August 1st). THIS is the insidiousness of this monkey on my back....alcoholism! ARGH!


          trying again for another day one

          I so identify with what you say, what you are going through and how you feel, Cornczech. Especially the craving for the feeling that first drink gives us. I wish I had a magic cure for what we suffer from - not to make money but just to give relief and release to those of us who endure this horrible malady. Unfortunately, it is obvious that I don't or I wouldn't be posting. I can't give you a cure but I can tell you that, for what it is worth, my thoughts are with you and I hope that you can get that monkey off your back. Stay strong. Best wishes, Neddy.
          "I used to be on the guest list, but now I'm on the nest list!"

          Newbies Nest:



            trying again for another day one

            Thanks, Neddy.

            Sometimes that's what one needs to read the most..that another's thoughts are with you.

