Well, went away to Disney with my "girls" and thought all would be wonderful on the outside, but on the inside, I knew on some level that it was a horrible idea. The three of us can get into real aggressive confrontations when we are all "trashed". Only, in the past we were at home and thus had a way to prevent things from escalting too far. Not so in Disney and just as I suspected, Everything went to heck in a hand basket!:upset:
Everything was great at first, (despite the fact that 2 of us were up all nite drinking wine and packing. Needless to say we got 0 sleep!) But the first night we went to Pleasure Island and began drinking like it was water. When they closed the doors, we all left happily and took a cab home. Once at the hotel, All H*ll broke loose! The two girls (sisters) were arguing about some stupid thing (this usually happens) and then they each stormed off leaving me alone at 3 in the morning.
The MOTEL was a dive (not my choice) and was huge like a maze. No real security.... so I was in effect abandoned by the other girls. Did not have a room key, had no idea how to find our building, let alone our room and had no shoes (gave them to one of the sisters while we were walking to lobby from cab) cause my feet were killing me from the whole day at Disney and nite on the town.
Started to panic, and was feeling very vunerable. When they both finally came looking for me, I was so worked up, that I "apparently" attacked one of the girls and a fist fight ensued! Me? Throwing a punch in the girl's face??? NO WAY I am a talker not a fighter... But they swear I did - I remember every other detail but that! However, being that I was legally drunk - and on VODKA

Took the cab for about an hour and a half from Orlando then spoke to husband on cell and he told me to go back! Which I did, only after staying the night at a hotel. $400 later in cab fare, a hotel bill later and a very angry husband later..... I AM ASHAMED, DISGUTED AND FRIGHTENED BY WHAT TRANSPIRED!
The girls and I made up, we all agreed we needed help, no cops were called, and other than my fall, no wounds or bruises physically. But, all of the involved realtionships are so messed up now that I am walking around with a constant knot in my stomach.
I have returned to talking to the Lord for forgiveness, and he has already paved the way for reconciliation for me. But, My husband is very mad at me (tho civil) and who could blame him? I don't! I blame myself for all of the wrong decisions I made on this trip.
I welcome your comments and support...
Lordis King:new: