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I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

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    I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem


    Well, went away to Disney with my "girls" and thought all would be wonderful on the outside, but on the inside, I knew on some level that it was a horrible idea. The three of us can get into real aggressive confrontations when we are all "trashed". Only, in the past we were at home and thus had a way to prevent things from escalting too far. Not so in Disney and just as I suspected, Everything went to heck in a hand basket!:upset:

    Everything was great at first, (despite the fact that 2 of us were up all nite drinking wine and packing. Needless to say we got 0 sleep!) But the first night we went to Pleasure Island and began drinking like it was water. When they closed the doors, we all left happily and took a cab home. Once at the hotel, All H*ll broke loose! The two girls (sisters) were arguing about some stupid thing (this usually happens) and then they each stormed off leaving me alone at 3 in the morning.

    The MOTEL was a dive (not my choice) and was huge like a maze. No real security.... so I was in effect abandoned by the other girls. Did not have a room key, had no idea how to find our building, let alone our room and had no shoes (gave them to one of the sisters while we were walking to lobby from cab) cause my feet were killing me from the whole day at Disney and nite on the town.

    Started to panic, and was feeling very vunerable. When they both finally came looking for me, I was so worked up, that I "apparently" attacked one of the girls and a fist fight ensued! Me? Throwing a punch in the girl's face??? NO WAY I am a talker not a fighter... But they swear I did - I remember every other detail but that! However, being that I was legally drunk - and on VODKA uch: I may have blacked out..... Whether or not I threw a punch is not the point..... That it escalated to that scares me to death! Last thing that happened before I took a cab to go home, was that the girl grabbed me by the hair and threw me against a wall head first!

    Took the cab for about an hour and a half from Orlando then spoke to husband on cell and he told me to go back! Which I did, only after staying the night at a hotel. $400 later in cab fare, a hotel bill later and a very angry husband later..... I AM ASHAMED, DISGUTED AND FRIGHTENED BY WHAT TRANSPIRED!

    The girls and I made up, we all agreed we needed help, no cops were called, and other than my fall, no wounds or bruises physically. But, all of the involved realtionships are so messed up now that I am walking around with a constant knot in my stomach.

    I have returned to talking to the Lord for forgiveness, and he has already paved the way for reconciliation for me. But, My husband is very mad at me (tho civil) and who could blame him? I don't! I blame myself for all of the wrong decisions I made on this trip.

    I welcome your comments and support...

    Lordis King:new:

    I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

    Been there done that....sweetie you are in the right spot...READ, POST, Get the book and supps, and start over today!!!!


      I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem


      Thanks for the instant feedback. So need positive support now. Gotta run do errands and be productive so that I don't give hubby another reason to be pissed! Thanks....xo:thanks:


        I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

        Oh Laki, so relate to your post. I have done 'apparently' some awful things to friends while vodka'd out, things I wouldn't even dream about sober, and would be quite incapable of physically (ie throwing a punch at anyone), and have also had had terrible things done to me. Please start today as 'the first day of the rest of your life', speak to Him Above, keep looking in and posting. Rooting for you.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

          Lorna! We need to talk, you are from Scotland?! I am adopted and found out in the last few years that my Bio mom was from an Irish/Scottish mix! Way cool - been wondering about the Celtic background in me cause I was raised by and married jewish pp. So, please respond ASAP. Oh, very few Jewish pp are ..... welll..... alchoholics. Lots of other issues to delve into if you are willing.


            I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

            Hi Lorna,

            How awful for you. I know very well the feeling of having to pick myself up after Drunk Gem has totally trashed Sober Gem's life.

            How great that you are taking this for what it is; a severe wake up call. You can't change what's happened, but you can change how you behave today, and the next day, and the next...

            Much love to you

            Gem x
            Free since 26th February 2012


              I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

              Hi Laki, PM me anytime you want.

              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

                Hi Laki

                You have come to the right place - keep posting and reading it helps sort things out - I find that the advice or comments I make to others are meant for me - things I would not think about come out of me and hit home.
                Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                  I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

                  Hi Laki & :welcome:

                  Your story sounds so familiar, the feeling of not remembering is the worst!!! You CAN do it, be strong xx


                    I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

                    Hello Laki

                    Hello. I can relate to being told something I didn't remember. Oh, the shame is aweful. I think the easiest way to reconcile with your husband is to let him know how sincere you are about quitting. If he sees you are making the steps, it should be easier for him to forgive you. Remember, actions speak louder than words. You've already apologized. Now, just stay sober with the help of your new friends here, and he'll see that you truly are sorry. And, I am 100 percent sure, you are more mad at yourself than he is, otherwise you wouldn't be here. You're concern that you hurt others clearly shows that you are a caring person. I'm glad you are here. :goodjob:
                    where does this go?


                      I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

                      :h Wow guys! Thanks so much. After chatting on line last nite on a site called Sober Circle. A seed was planted..... I awoke this morning determined that the worst happened for the best. Feeling certain that I have made the correct decision to start working on my issues with drinking and have found a 12 step group, and 2 great support systems on line. Thank You for your continued support.
                      :h :happy:


                        I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

                        Hey Lakisok,

                        I was where you are at only 12 days ago and have found this place amazing. The folks here are so cool and understanding, coz they've been where you are. I also am from Scotland originally, though I now live in Canada, I have friends and family still there and to quote "You can take the boy out of Scotland, but you can't take Scotland out of the boy!"

                        Hang around, it will be worth the effort, I know I feel the love every time I'm logged on.


                          I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

                          Hi lakisok:
                          Sounds like you are already making great strides in the right direction. Read the book when you can and don't beat yourself too bad. You can do this!!!
                          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                            I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

                            Aha! I always KNEW Disney wasn't really the happiest place in the world! See....alcohol can ruin anything. Seriously....I'm glad you're O.K. now. You're safe. You're here. Believe it or not, that horrible, horrible sick feeling in your stomach will get better over time (I absolutely ruined a family vacation one year with my drinking----it was the first time ever my extended family, over twenty of us, had all gone on vacation together and I absolutely ruined it for everyone. It still pains me to think about it, but nothing like it did that first summer!) So you're back. You're alive. Your husband loves you. You have a chance to start anew. That vacation----that person----is in the past.
                            Best wishes on your new journey to health, strength, and well-being!


                              I just got a horrifying wake up call re: my drinking problem

                              Someone recently gave me the line about honesty only comes from children and people when they're drunk. Any thoughts on this one? I have a hard time with this one seeing as I become an awfully mean person and do/say things I would NEVER dream of doing while sober. Seems like many of us experience that lovely side effect of booze! I understand the lessoning of inhibition and the brain chemistry involved with an alcohol-numbed central nervous system.............but what does this mean in terms of our subconscious mind? Are we really these angry, bitter people at heart and just buttered up liars because society has trained us to be polite and propper?

                              Just thinking outloud...................

                              Sorry Disney turned out to be not so fun! However, perhaps it's a good wake up you said!

