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Insanity from alcohol or really insane?

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    Insanity from alcohol or really insane?

    Katie, STOP it, you are most definately not nothing!! You are posting and helping more than you know.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Insanity from alcohol or really insane?

      catbox;126698 wrote: never felt nuts while drinking or had a lapse in mental health...until I stopped drinking and the Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome set in...PAWS for feel like you are going nuts....scares the hell out of you...over time it got better...still have my bad days but know how to handle it....I'm in month 8, and they say PAWS can go on for up to two years. Still, better than getting wasted everyday and not being a present member of my family, etc...

      To me, as fucked up as PAWS is, it still beats destroying my mind and body day after day!

      Good luck!
      Hello Catbox. I looked into it, and sure enough it said PAWS can last for 6 month to 2 years. I've never heard of this. I'm familiar with the withdrawals, as I've had them at times. I drank for about 20 years pretty heavy, and have also smoked pot, did coke, meth, lots of pills. I have to say, I'm not feeling any of these effects. I am taking Campral, and may be the Campral is what is keeping me from feeling this way. I'd like to know more about it. Sounds like scary shit. I couldn't imagine the effects could linger this long. Can you give me more info. I may be scared to get off the Campral now if I have to face more withdrawal symptoms this late in the game. Thanks.
      where does this go?


        Insanity from alcohol or really insane?

        I think that godawful morning feeling is one we have to remember, whenever we feel wistful about losing our 'friend' alcohol. I quit smoking 12 yrs ago, but still get a sickly feeling in my chest when I watch someone drag on a smoke. Consequently, I've never had a single smoke since I finally quit.

        Recently, it dawned on me that (1) I will ALWAYS want more drinks, after a couple and (2) I will ALWAYS feel ghastly, guilty, shamed, defeated, hopeless, the morning after drinking.

        I decided to quit, cold turkey, and not battle daily with decisions about how many drinks I'll have. Some of us just aren't capable of moderation. I've been 6 wks AF now and although my life seems very quiet, a bit flat and dull, at present, it's far preferable to those ghastly mornings 2 mths ago. Keep at it guys - the fog and fear and confusion eventually clear and the sleeps are GREAT!


          Insanity from alcohol or really insane?

          Hi is so hard to change the habits of years....what about getting a buddy to do it day by day with you..have you got any drinking buddies that fancy a break off it for a while..healthy support/competiton might help just to get you started.

          i struggled to get a few Af days going until my hubby and friend came on board with it for a month..that really helped.

          it can make us angry and really down when you cant get going on some af clear thinking at all..

          set a day to try one AF day and mark it on the can do it ..or buddy up with someone on here..lots of small groups countingAF days together on here....your self esteem will grow as you learn to like yourself better .
          Accept ewho you are..the most important this is you are open to change...nobody said this happens over night,,,its a process and a journey.

          It took me years to realise I didnt like the way i was drinking so much and so often and i presume it may take me an age to get a more acceptable pattern for me also

          Dont give up Katie....get fit, cook healthy,pray, read do anything..bubbly bathsd anything except drink in your danger time///mine is 9pm onwards...anything can happen if i dont plan plan and plan!!!Oh yes and i slip up but not as often

          regards Cassy

