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Moderator: How much did you used to drink vs. drink now?

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    Moderator: How much did you used to drink vs. drink now?

    I was drinking 3 litres of 7.5% cider (like beer) every night, maybe 4 litres fri/sat nights.
    Then cut down to one night drink, one night off for 4 weeks then now AF for 8 days. Can't believe it!
    Just believe - that's all you have to do



      Moderator: How much did you used to drink vs. drink now?


      Well I was pissed last night and have been trying to stop altogether anyway I was binging about 2 - 4 times a week and would have about 6 - 7 pints of lager at a time. Worst was when I had ten cans of lager. I switched from premium lager to non premium 4% lager a couple of years back so was more units before.

      And so no wonder I have a beer belly or love trampoline as I call it.

      Cheers !



        Moderator: How much did you used to drink vs. drink now?

        A drinking 'binge' for me is one to two bottles of wine a day for six to eight weeks until I get tired of the hangovers..then I'll go AF for a while, once for 17 years, last time was almost 5 months..I'm back to AF and hope to stay that way. The most I drank was two large bottles of champagne..I think.


          Moderator: How much did you used to drink vs. drink now?

          i used to drink from 16 to 18 beers a day! no kidding. i could drink any man under the table. something im not proud of now of course. i began feeling wierd and gaining weight and quit cold turkey. after 25 years this was a blessing. nine months later i fould myself being wheeled into the operating room for a new liver. that was april 13th. needless to say, no yearning or even thought of a beer for me. i too cut down , even quit numerous times, but it had me.



            Moderator: How much did you used to drink vs. drink now?

            my drinking patterns

            I am still wondering, why is is so easy to quit while pregnant, I have been trying to quit or reduce drinking for the past 8 years and nothing, and now that I'm pregnant I just quit. It's crazy, good, but crazy. Many other women have mentioned the same thing. Well I was reducing my drinking a bit by drinking wine in a smaller glass, putting the bottle out of reach (harder to refill) and therefore drink more slowly. Also you can buy half bottles and still drink in a small glass. According to a study most people underestimate the amount they drink because they don't know that one serving is actually quite small. I litterally started measuring my serving with a measuring cup (5 oz for wine) Put it in a small wine glass and it doesn't look so little. I also liked to drink one glass before I ate to get the buzz, because if you eat and then drink I think you drink a lot more chasing the buzz that sometimes never comes. Don't drink a lot on an emptly stomach of course (not healthy) just your first drink and then start eating. Also, maybe someone else can back me up on this but I think I read that folic acid can protect you from some of the damage alcohol causes your body.


              Moderator: How much did you used to drink vs. drink now?

              Five to Ten Pints Every Night for the last few years+ wine + shorts ..... Sometimes if I stayed in 3 bottles of wine + whisky......
              Trying to moderate now ......... 5 out of every 7 days are AF.....
              Still drinking too much on the other two but feel I'm heading in the right direction

