I was born in 1990. I am 22 years old and will be 23 next month. I have a 3 year old son and a common-law husband. we live with his parents right now. My husband also has a drinking problem, but not nearly as bad as mine. I took a quiz about withdrawal online, and it said that I am a stage 4 alcoholic.
When i was 5 years old, my dad cheated on my mom and left us. did not see him for 10 years until my mom died when i was 15. then my grandfather died on christmas day when i was 17. my mom had rheumatoid arthritis and was in and out of the hospital alot, so i lived with my grandparents for much of my life, so my grandfather was morel ike my dad. i started drinking, smoking pot and doing opiates in high school. for a coouple years I had a serious opiate addiction where i injected them. am on methadone even now to avoid the withdrawal. I really started having a problem with alcohol when I was 18-ish. I stayed sober for my entire pregnancy except near the end i had a couple glasses of wine once in a while. my son was completely healthy (thank god)! About a year and a half ago, i was diagnosed with reumatoid arthritis like my mom had. I am not supposed to drink with the meds...but of course, i have been. Now it is no longer a choice AT ALL. I wake up every morning shaking violently until I have a couple drinks, and I have had seizures while going through withdrawal several times, the last of which i was hospitalized for several weeks ago. I am on disability, so pretty much all I do is drink and take care of my son and watch tv (and smoke weed). I am currently waiting for my doctors appointment so that I can start getting better, as i have been told it would be too dangerous for me to try and quit cold turkey on my own. I need to do this for me and my son, as my health is deteriorating. I even coughed up blood today. I am so scared and ashamed that it has even gotten this far. My son has even started to notice when I get the shakes. Its absolutely hearbreaking.
Wow, that was hard. Thank you everyone for your continuing support. I will beat this.
