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My Story

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    My Story

    Hello, I have been on here for several days but I feel like its time to tell my story.

    I was born in 1990. I am 22 years old and will be 23 next month. I have a 3 year old son and a common-law husband. we live with his parents right now. My husband also has a drinking problem, but not nearly as bad as mine. I took a quiz about withdrawal online, and it said that I am a stage 4 alcoholic.

    When i was 5 years old, my dad cheated on my mom and left us. did not see him for 10 years until my mom died when i was 15. then my grandfather died on christmas day when i was 17. my mom had rheumatoid arthritis and was in and out of the hospital alot, so i lived with my grandparents for much of my life, so my grandfather was morel ike my dad. i started drinking, smoking pot and doing opiates in high school. for a coouple years I had a serious opiate addiction where i injected them. am on methadone even now to avoid the withdrawal. I really started having a problem with alcohol when I was 18-ish. I stayed sober for my entire pregnancy except near the end i had a couple glasses of wine once in a while. my son was completely healthy (thank god)! About a year and a half ago, i was diagnosed with reumatoid arthritis like my mom had. I am not supposed to drink with the meds...but of course, i have been. Now it is no longer a choice AT ALL. I wake up every morning shaking violently until I have a couple drinks, and I have had seizures while going through withdrawal several times, the last of which i was hospitalized for several weeks ago. I am on disability, so pretty much all I do is drink and take care of my son and watch tv (and smoke weed). I am currently waiting for my doctors appointment so that I can start getting better, as i have been told it would be too dangerous for me to try and quit cold turkey on my own. I need to do this for me and my son, as my health is deteriorating. I even coughed up blood today. I am so scared and ashamed that it has even gotten this far. My son has even started to notice when I get the shakes. Its absolutely hearbreaking.
    Wow, that was hard. Thank you everyone for your continuing support. I will beat this.
    ?That's the problem with drinking,
    If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
    if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
    and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
    ― Charles Bukowski
    Days AF: 13 :h

    My Story

    Love you poor girl, I am not sure what to say except you sound as you know what you have to do and now you have to do it. You want to stop this merry go round of AL in your life and to get better and seeing the doctor is a must. Be honest and truthful and hopefully your doctor will be understanding to what you are going through. It is hard to be strong around drinkers and that is why i relapsed and i also thought i could moderate. I cant moderate, i am an alcoholic. You are young you can give this AL crap the shove and be a better mum for your son.

    Keep on here and keep posting. Everyone on here has a story and we all realie what you are going through. Take care and PM if you need a chat.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      My Story

      (((Love))) You have much to live for. Your son, your young life. There is much beauty in the world and joy you can experience w/o alcohol. No you cannot go cold turkey, you need to withdraw under medical supervision but you can do it. Please choose life. xxxxoooo


        My Story

        Loveless,my heart aches for you,you are the same age as my daughter and it would kill me to see her like this,i know you are trying to taper til your doctor appointment,im not sure its working although you are making progress,if i were in your shoes i would think of maybe just going to the e.r,they can treat you for al withdrawal,im not trying to beat you up trust me i feel for you,ive been there,but i worry about you and your baby son,drinking on those meds youre on is scary,plus the past seizures ugh,if you can hold on until your appointment i wish you strength,but i cant even imagine how hard it would be to take care of your son while buzzed and stoned,your doctor may admit you to the hospital anyways,maybe you should consider finding care for your son and just go to e,r and get it over?that blood scares the shit out of me,could be any number of things,anyways know that you are in my thoughts and have my support through all of this,hugs to you honey
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          My Story

          Dear loveless
          For some reason I looked at this forum which I normally do not. First you need to get yourself to a hospital or dr re the coughing blood - if that is real. 2nd you need to find a really good addiction doctor. Do you have insurance. Third - you need to get into a rehab. I know you have a baby. Ur husbsnd or inlaws can take care of baby while u get better. If u cannot do rehab - do AA with the help of ur doctor and addiction meds such as suboxone or naltrexone

          I know of what I speak. Really the answer here is rehab. For ur life & fof the life of ur son.

          I am saying this out of love. My daughter is an addict & I am an alcoholic. Both in recovery. There is hope. But you have to take action - not just talk about it here. Good luck. I know you can do this.
          Luv. Chrysa

