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here's my story

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    here's my story

    well, I've been reading the threads for awhile and I think you guys would be great friends. My story....I've been married for 21 years, the first 15 were all about trying to make it fun and get into the "swinging" lifestyle" according to my husband. well after fighting him for so long I just gave into it. He threatened to leave me because of it! So OK, I'll play your game!!!!!We started swinging and the only way I could do it was to be trashed. We almost ended our marriage and five years later we are doing soooo much better except for me being an alcoholic!!! He got help, but I'm lost. I come from a family of alcoholics and now I am one. My whole family knows from my "drunk dialing" and even my husband who I know loves and puts up with so much shit from me but I like to drink. So whats wrong with that????I have so much more to tell but I don't want you to lose interest. I went 3 day AF and thought I deserved a bottle of wine so here I am and probably be back tomorrow night. I feel so good when I don't drink but then I feel so normal that I think "I don't have a problem" so I buy a bottle of wine and here I am.
    sorry if I bored you but I don't know what else to do, everyone see's me as a completely different person and I can be completely honest with you. Love, Laurie

    here's my story

    Hi Laurie,
    We don't bore easily here at MWO. To be honest I think its very sad that you had to resort to drinking to do something you didn't want to do. Its about time your husband accepted some shit from you after what he put you through! Seriously, now is time for you to get your life back and you've come to the right place for help and support.
    Have you looked at the book yet and ordered any supplements to help you through this.
    The supplements will help even if your not ready to quit yet.
    Lots of Love
    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


      here's my story

      getmyoldlifeback;134839 wrote: I went 3 day AF and thought I deserved a bottle of wine so here I am and probably be back tomorrow night. I feel so good when I don't drink but then I feel so normal that I think "I don't have a problem" so I buy a bottle of wine and here I am.
      I can relate. No matter how intense my recent drinking binge has been, after a few days AF I feel so good it's almost impossiblle for me to conceive that I have a problem. I've done the whole 3 day AF "deserved bottle of wine" thing a million times. One of the reasons it's so hard to quit!!


        here's my story

        Hi Life....and welcome:h
        Don't worry about the length of your posts dear...just get out all you need to, we all have had a story to tell, and it feels so good to tell it here, knowing you won't be judged. I agree with sobermum that it is very sad that your situation seems to have been exacerbated by needing to use drink to feel comfortable doing something you obviously weren't keen on.....and was glad to hear that apart from the drinking, things are better with your husband now.
        I think if you are here...then at some level, you DO feel that you have a problem...quite often, after a few days without our crutch, the mind tells us we don't need to worry in order to let ourselves refill on the old vino....
        Keep reading the posts, get the book and read RJs story, and use all you need here to help you work out a life plan that you feel happy day at a time Life

        See you round


          here's my story

          Dear Laurie,

          I second what our wise Melon just said. And you know, she's nearly always right, grin ... No, but honestly. With many of us it's a similar story. We have a history of alcoholism running in the family. OK, in the past alcohol has helped us deal with unpleasant situations, like your deeply disturbing one. I dealt with stressful situations that way, and with misery I had to witness through my job.

          Yet, there comes a time where you have to deal with your present problem, which is alcoholism or problem drinking, whatever you want to call it. And that's what we're all doing here. And hey, we're all here to help each other and support you in that fight - in good or bad moments. So welcome Laurie, don't despair.

          Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


            here's my story

            Hi Laurie

            :welcome: !

            I so agree with Suz, Weemelon and Paddy so no other words of wisdom to offer - and no, we're not bored and you're not lost! - if you've posted here then you're obviously ready to commit yourself to some sort of change. So make this the new beginning you're looking for and deserve - there's a whole new life waiting for you based on things that you choose to do, that you have control over. I sincerely hope that you never again find yourself in situation where your wishes and desires are so little respected - you are a very forgiving woman.

            So join us here, use us to help you along on your journey - the direction has to come from you but we're here 24/7 to listen, share, support, encourage - I look forward to sharing just a little part of this journey with you!

            Warmest wishes,
            :rays: Arial

            Last first day - 15th April 2012
            Days 1-7 DONE
            Days 8-14 DONE
            Days 15-21 DONE
            30 days DONE
            60 days
            100 days


              here's my story

              thank you everyone for your support. It feels so good to be able to open up and be honest. I'm going to buy the supp today and start again on my AF journey. My children are so awesome they deserve to have 100% from me, and I will NOT be hungover for mother's day tomorrow. thank you again Laurie


                here's my story

                Good decision Laurie. I hope you have a wonderful, hangover free mom's day!


                  here's my story

                  Hi Laurie and a huge Betty Boop

                  Your story is not uncommon, and like the others I am glad that things are better for you now.

                  I drank because I worried about my daughter who has epilepsy, the drink stopped me worrying .............. but i soon realised that it caused more worrying the following morning ....

                  You really have found the right place, you have hundreds of people all over the world, here FOR YOU, and anyone else that needs them.

                  Love & Hugs xxx Attached files [img]/converted_files/245303=959-attachment.jpg[/img]


                    here's my story

                    Welcome Laurie,

                    I look forward to getting to know you. Glad to have you on the site.

                    All the best-


                      here's my story

                      Hello Laurie,
                      This is a great place.


                        here's my story

                        I need help!!!! Please help me

