I had resolved to make this year the one of turnaround, to become clean, to restore my health, mental and emotional wellbeing, and transform my life into something very new and different from what was.
Needless to say I have not stuck to my resolve. I say needless to say and that perhaps is in part the issue I have low expectations of myself, in fact I rather despise myself which of course is not helpful since I am constantly in judgement of myself and comparing and contrasting myself to ensure that I remain down.
The reason I titled this as 'probably the only way I can do this' is because I find writing to be a great outlet for myself, in fact many have said that I should consider writing as a profession, yet of course I dismiss that as I dismiss most if not all possibilities. Back to the reason, words only seem to flow when I have something to write to, or a space to write into. I don't seem inspired by for example a hand written journal.
I have read quite a bit of people's experiences here and they are many and varied most though seem rooted in a paucity of self-esteem and self-worth, I know that is certainly true for me. I have never felt safe and secure on this earth, trust is an enormous issue for me having been unable to trust as a child I never knew what would happen in response to my actions or those of others around me.
That aside, all of the experiences have brought me to this point, and perhaps in some way they are of value in that one day that wisdom gained through experience might be helpful to someone else. We shall see.
Someone once said to me that holding onto challenging experiences has no value, would someone else pay to buy that which I was holding on to? Of course not. Yet I feel so defined by these experiences and patterns that it is difficult to shed them even though I want to.
Back to trust, the real lack of trust is in myself, that I do not trust myself.
I just hope that I can make this my day 1 to be followed by an unbroken series of days.