About 6 weeks ago, I drank way too much on a night out with my husband, and we got into an awful fight and as a result of a mutual decision, we were in a therapist's office 2 days later. Which I am so GRATEFUL for because it brought everything out in the open and forced me to deal with it.
My therapist (a recovering alcoholic herself and a 25 year member of AA) thought I should try to "moderate" my drinking to see if I could pull it off, in her words "a true alcoholic could not pull this off" and we set some rules for myself. The first of which was no drinking at home alone. Well about 2 weeks went by before I broke that one, was at the grocery store and felt I could have a few glasses of wine at home and be fine, well drank the whole bottle and woke up feeling awful.
Back to the therapist who told me I should swear it off for good and join AA. Well the problem is I do not know for SURE I want to say I dont ever want to drink again, the thought of turning down a margarita with good mexican food is particularly sad :H
And from what I have read and seen in the online forums of AA, it seems so utterly DEPRESSING to be a member of that group, this forum actually makes me feel good when I read it and gives me encouragement, when I read the AA stuff it just makes me sad.
Anyway, long introduction, but if anyone has a similar situation or insight, I would LOVE to hear from you, glad to be here, I feel better already