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Hello To You All - New To Here

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    Hello To You All - New To Here

    Hi. My name is Andrew. I just want to start by saying hello to you all. It's such a relief to have found this site and to see that we can help one another.

    Some of this is going to be a bit of a ramble but I just need to say it!

    T$his is the first time I've ever told anyone formally that I am an alcoholic - I just can't tell my parents (they'd worry) or my friends (They don't know the extent of my secret drinking that I do on top of socialising). Whilst I've had the rarity of going an evening without drink today it's only because I had a load Thursday. Typically I've been drinking 40-50 pints a week the last year and prior to that I've been a heavy drinker since I was 16.

    My lowest point in the last year was after a bender last September when I fell into a wall due to alcohol and smashed my face and had the indignity of a member of the public calling an ambulance and being hospitalised for a few hours. The worst bit was the following Sunday morning when I woke up late and the first thing I thought was "Sh*t its late - I'm missing the pub". I went as well and that's when I knew I had a problem.

    Since then I've continued drinking heavily but at least knowing I have a problem.

    I'm glad I've found you all now. So I'm going to read, get the stuff and initially commit to coming here 3 nights when I'd normally get smashed.

    Look forward to speaking with you all soonand reading your posts.

    Hello To You All - New To Here

    Welcome Andrew! Enjoy your AF night exploring here!


      Hello To You All - New To Here

      Hi Andrew, great to see you here, it is great fun reading and great people to chat to, I to was soooo happy to find this site a huge load was lifted of my sholders telling someone about my prop and there being no judgement just support.
      chat soon


        Hello To You All - New To Here

        Hi Andrew...I'm an expat Pommie living in NZ....and it's probably a good job that I left Blighty when I drinking history was often laid bare in public, and was NOT pretty....
        Drinking in England is such a social thing...I noticed when I came to New Zealand how different the culture is with regard to bender boozing. There is a problem here of alcohol abuse, but where we have settled, it is very middle of the road, and when people ask you to come out for a drink...that is what they mean...just A drink.
        I disgraced myself on the only work social I have ever been on by getting blotto, abusing various members of the bar we were in, and then getting kicked out for falling asleep on the bar and crashing off my stool in front of everyone....luckily, most of the folk I work with had gone home by then, and I lied my way out of the rest of it by saying that I was on medication...never normally drink like that, and NEVER going on a work social again, as I said it 'wasn't my thing'!!!!!!
        I carried on the rest of my drinking at home after that, and didn't meet with anyone new unless they were people (always Pommies) that drank a lot, or didn't really say much about my antics.....not to my face anyway!
        Until I found MWO........
        I have known that I have serious problems with alcohol for years, both with my levels of consumption, and the damage I have done to myself and others physically, socially and mentally.
        I always wanted to be able to wake up, say "right...I will never drink again" and mean it...but the thought of that was just too hideous to even consider, so I tried moderating.
        I went from one bottle of wine (which for me was practically tee total, back up to 2-3 bottles and anything else that may be lying around without even thinking about it so many times, that I just thought I was going to kill myself at a young age because of my addiction.
        I cannot moderate...I know that, but my previously seemingly impossible wish of sobriety is now looking increasingly hopeful after discovering this site, and all the wonderful, caring, supportive and helpful folk here.
        I joined last year on the 7th of December, and have not had a drink since that day. This has not been easy...I have had lows, lowers, then good days and terrific days...but I am sober, and prouder of myself than I have ever been in my life.
        I have reason to keep going with this new healthy lifestyle as my AF days build up and I see and feel the changes to my personality, body and outlook on life!
        You are in a GREAT place....if you REALLY want to change your lifestyle for the better, then there are MANY ideas here for you to tailor to you personally to help you achieve your goal.

        Don't give IS possible if you want your mind to it all, and try everything....
        give it a go......
        Great to meet you:l Have a good sober day Bud



          Hello To You All - New To Here

          Hi Andrew, I also know the embarassing feeling of making a fool of yourself in front of others. It has only been a week since my last escapade of falling down drunk and not remembering it; I was filled in the next morning by my husband. I also didn't remember that I slept most of the night on his golf cart in the garage. I still cringe when I think about it. It has been a good week sober. I couldn't have done it without getting on here and reading and writting. It's hard to shake the guilt, but it is going away, day by day. Welcome!


            Hello To You All - New To Here

            Welcome, good to meet you. Check out the site, read the posts in each forum!!! Best of luck to you.
            It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
            James Gordon, M.D.


              Hello To You All - New To Here

              hello to you

              Hey Andrew, I only joined last week - and I want to do this - already had one major tumble - but it helps me reading and knowing that people are in same situation and can support each other...Good luck in your quest


                Hello To You All - New To Here

                Hi Andrew and Welcome ......

                Good to have you here, well done for your honesty, I've been here since november and am so grateful for this place ...

                The people here are so supportive, and understanding, and will never ever judge you ........

                A huge welcome to you and I hope that you achieve everything that you desire ....

                Love Betty xxx


                  Hello To You All - New To Here

                  Hi Andrew, and welcome. Yes, that public embarressment is so over-rated! I hate when that happens...hopefully that's a thing of the past...! Just wanted to welcome you & look forward to seeing ya around campus!Judie
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Hello To You All - New To Here

                    Hi Andrew and welcome. I originate from your part of the uk, but moved south some
                    years ago. Public embarrassment yes been there done that, got the t shirt. Having
                    found this site and followed the programme, I have been af for 3 months now
                    so keep posting and reading, and you too can do it.
                    Best wishes Paula.


                      Hello To You All - New To Here

                      Welcome Moo.


                        Hello To You All - New To Here

                        Hi Andrew.
                        A belated welcome to you.


                          Hello To You All - New To Here

                          :welcome: Andrew - have been away for the weekend so am trying to catch up with what's going on here! Your story is oh so familiar and know well the drinking culture in UK having grown up there. It's difficult, especially for a guy, but you can beat it and you can find life without alcohol - and it's fun! - Some things to think about as you jump in to the programme... be prepared to feel different both physically and mentally; plan something to keep you busy around 'drinking time' (you've already mentioned coming on here which is a great distraction as well as good fun, informative and inspirational!); plan for things 'beyond alcohol' - if you have plans about what you want to achieve now you're not drinking it's easier to look beyond drink and focus on the positive rather than focusing on the not being able/wanting to drink; maybe start a journal (people use them in a variety of ways so maybe think of how one could help you if you chose to use one); set yourself up for success - small steps to start...; plan what to say when people ask why you're not drinking - it's difficult when you're caught unprepared - and of course what to do during those social occassions and with people where drinking too much is the main focus and only objective; and of course the keep fit/get fit program!

                          Just a few ideas that spring to mind that I have found helped along the way - you'll find what works for you so try different things and keep the ones that work, chuck the ones that don't! A long-winded 'welcome' - good to see you here and look forward to hearing how it goes!
                          :rays: Arial

                          Last first day - 15th April 2012
                          Days 1-7 DONE
                          Days 8-14 DONE
                          Days 15-21 DONE
                          30 days DONE
                          60 days
                          100 days


                            Hello To You All - New To Here

                            Hey Andrew. I can totally relate to not being able to discuss this with your parents. They are worriers and I think they would blame themselves, like they did something wrong, which they didn't. I also haven't told my friends. They are busy raising kids and seem to think I'm kind of a hermit, which I am, because it's easier to drink alone at home. Wouldn't want our friends to see how much we can consume Glad you came here. It's a great place to have. I wish I could say I've figured this thing out but haven't quite gotten there yet, but I'm ready. I guess that's the first step. I've made a goal for myself that this week I'm going to focus on my health, eating better, cut back on the smoking and drinking and get myself to the gym. Taking care of ourselves is important and I belive the more we do it, the less we will want to inflict more "damage". Good luck and welcome.


                              Hello To You All - New To Here

                              Hi Andrew, welcome to MWO

                              I have only been able to abstain since I came here.
                              I kidded myself that drinking one night and abstaining the next I was being good, yeh, yeh.
                              I used to drink twice as much on the drinking night then I was that hungover the next day I couldn't drink !
                              So good luck to you, Angellina-x-
                              Just believe - that's all you have to do


