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my visit to dentist

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    my visit to dentist

    Well I managed not drink and not to use my fear of dentists to drink alcohol.
    I had a temporary filling and an xray to find out if the tooth can be repaired or
    if it must come out,I have to go back next week.
    Today has been a very sad day for me as I attended the funeral of a very dear
    friend, she was elderly but very young at heart, she died of lung cancer.Her funeral
    was beautiful, sad but also a celebration of her life, it was just how she planned it.
    The best thing was I did not drink.
    Thanks for listening Paula.

    my visit to dentist

    Good for you Paula. You have had enough stressors that would have led many to drink. You have inspired others here sorry about your friend.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      my visit to dentist


      I'm so sorry about your friend. What a great way to honor her...NOT DRINKING. Take care of yourself during this time of sorrow and healing from the dentist....cant say I'm real fond of them myself.:eeks:


        my visit to dentist

        sorry to hear of your friend Paula.

        as to the dentist, i havnt been for over three years! my reason *cough* is because i was de registered and cant find an NHS one to take me on. why was i deregistered? because i didnt go to any check ups. cowards way out, you were brave

        i once went to a morning appointment and had a few drops of bach rescue remedy (which is in an alcholic tincture). he did look at me funny and i wandered why, until after i left i realised he could smell alcohol on my breath! it did work BTW, took the anxiety right away


          my visit to dentist

          I hate dentists too ..... Actually went for my check up yesterday and need a filling!!!! Well done Paula for not drinking!!

          BB xx


            my visit to dentist

            Thanks everyone for your support.xx


              my visit to dentist

              That's funny Roxanne... I have used Rescue Remedy myself to great advantage. But several times lately I have used it as a cover for my night before! But it does seem to help with the after affects as well.
              Paula, well done on getting to the dentist, and making it past the drinking point.Kudos!!!!
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

