I had 2 years... And then, BAM! One drink led to this last year of drinking binges, ruined relationships, unkept promises and countless hours of wasted time nursing a hangover.
I have one day sober... this weekend I did the worst drunk texting ever! I'm so embarrassed and feel like crawling under a rock and never, never showing my face!! I texted my male friend and pretty much told him how "magical" our chemistry could be.... it was disgusting! I'm mortified. Of course he never responded to any of my gazillion texts. But wait, it gets even better - I recently reconnected with an old boyfriend who I was crazy about (but my drinking ruined that), he agreed to share time and see what happens. Then this weekend I went crazy on him telling him he was committment phobic... I guess it wasn't too bad because by the grace of God he is still talking to me...
I tried AA but it wasn't for me. I tried the $400.00 vitamin regimen but I couldn't swallow the horrendous vitamins and the 5-10 vitamins every 2 hours!! I've made deals with God, I've screamed at the top of my lungs.... I don't know what to do...
So here I am.... I came across this website and found some amazing support in the stories you have all so generously and kindly shared. I hope to read, read, read and post, post, post... I have the Kudzu, Glutamine, and vitamins that I can actually take. I bought some books to entertain me at night, and I joined the gym. I'm trying to improve my relationship with God...
I have 3 young adult children who do their own thing most of the time, which leaves me a lot of solo down time
