I find it hard to open up but will give the following facts, many of which contribute to my drinking problem:
Severe abuse,mental and emotional from a very young age
use of alcohol to help reactions from abuse from the age of 13
Extreme identity issues, dissociation with normal life, though others wont' recognize necessarily
inability to recover from these things
I suffer from anxiety and depression. I have a very hard time trusting people due to failures in past I find it very hard to lighten up and see the world for its beauty. I am prone to seeing the dark side of things, though this may not be obvious to people who know me unless they are deep and do a bit of digging.
I feel sad a lot of tte time and alcohol has always been there to help. but it's so negative too...
I do realize through some psychotherapy that there is a way out, that the negative thinkikng is just some dysfunctional, not real path, what a relief.