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Tis the season

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    Tis the season

    i decided It's time I stop pretending that a bottle of wine a night is okay. I did not do this with my ex, although she would, so why do I do it now? Boredom is a major part of over indulging for me, oh and also the fact that I cannot stop at 1 or 2. I also have a new girlfriend that partakes also. Today is 11th day with no AL. I'm feeling good. I'm glad I found a place to vent.

    hey, Awesomeness, welcome! You're probably right ... pretending in real life pretty much is a warning sign of something, and if you're downing a bottle of vino a night and questioning it well, that's probably a warning sign, too. Boredom and not being able to stop at 1 or two is pretty much the story of my life, and I'll clue you in that it's not a healthy pattern (but you know this, since you're here). I'm glad you found this place, too! 11 days is one hell of a start, so keep it rolling, keep coming here and posting and reading, get to know some phenomenal people with amazing insight and support. You came to the right place!
    "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
    “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

