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Deep bottom

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    Deep bottom

    A warm welcome to you Peter Pan.
    I know very little of AA, but enough to know it`s not the right approach for me, although I appreciate that it works for some people. I can relate to the `deep bottom` analogy though, as before I started to make the effort to change, I felt as if I was living my life `in the bleak mid-winter`, regardless of the seasons.

    I lurked around this site for a while as I loved reading of everyone`s successes and struggles - it all made me feel truly inspired, as I sat before my pc, glass in hand. However, my initial inspiration turned to despair, as it slowly( I was very reluctant to face facts) dawned on me, that the lives of many people at M.W.O. were changing for the better, whereas I was like stuck in marshland, holding on to my wine glass every evening, like my life depended upon its `charm`.

    Next, I kind of stomped off, posting to thank everyone and stating that I was leaving the site. People replied to that post, telling me to stay, and wishing me well. I was walking away from here, because I couldn`t face the hardest fact of all, that I didn`t want to do it for myself, rather I wanted others to miraculously `fix me`. I realised shortly after, that the people here are true friends, brimful of love, compassion, understanding and support, and that they would be here for me, every step of the way, not to `walk my walk`, but to lift my spirits and strengthen my resolve when I felt weak.

    And so it was, that I accepted, nomatter how much help and support was offered me, without my willingness, I would remain in the `marshland`.

    Am now looking forward to this evening, my 4th AF. Feel proud of myself, as does my teenager, which makes me feel 10 feet tall.

    I adore wine, so have decided to strive for moderation. Am going from consuming a bottle of wine each and every night to 1 btl between Fri. and Sat. night.

    Starlight, if you read my post, please believe in the power within yourself, as I really thought I couldn`t do it and now I believe I can.......... I understand you have problems in your personal life, as many of us do. However, I have realised that the `wine glow` doesn`t change a thing.

    Peter Pan and Starlight, I wish you luck and much success.

    Starlight Impress


      Deep bottom

      Hi PP: I've been a member here since April. It has helped me really admit to my alcoholism. I'm high functioning & was in real denial. My problem is that I was getting progressively worse as time went on. I'm not there yet by any means, but I know I have to be AF. I can't moderate. Once I start, that's it...I'm on a roll. Good luck. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012

