So, I have had my fair share of terrible decisions and choices related to drinking and getting blacked out. In the last year or so, I have significantly cut down on drinking and this post is actually in regards to my partner, and I need some advice.
About a week ago, my boyfriend of about 10 months confessed that the night before he had gotten black out drunk and had sex with someone. When I asked him if it was the first time, he said no- that it had happened about 6 months before. He said he didn't want to tell me the first time, because he never thought it would happen again, but then when it happened again he realized it was a problem and needed to tell me. He has now decided to quit drinking, because it's not worth the risk.
I am working towards forgiving him and have known he has a binge drinking problem for a while. However, I feel weird/guilty about being "the reason" that he is stopping. Do you think this is a good reason to quit drinking and should I stay around to support him as he does this?