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knew I had a problem

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    knew I had a problem

    I have known I have had a drinking problem for at least the last year. Instead of it being enjoyable it has become a nightmare. I ordered the CD's and supplements today after reading the book and now I can finally say I have hope. I never realized that their were other people just like myself tryong to cope with this monster. I want to be able to enjoy my life and my kids and not have to constantly worry about my drinking and what is doing to me and them. I can no longer blame a horrible divorce on the booze, I just need to get back to me. I will becoming to this sight daily for support. There are some great postings, thanks.

    knew I had a problem


    You have come to the right place. Hang in there we all are rocking in the same boat!!


      knew I had a problem

      Welcome Finally. It is a great thing to know there are many out there like us. Wishing you the best. Keep us posted on your progress. :welcome:
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        knew I had a problem

        Hi Finally and welcome,

        This place has been the saving of me so I hope you will stick with it and let it work its magic on you to... Take some time to have a look around and get used to the place and try to visit every day.. Don't be afraid to ask any questions as we are all here to help in anyway we can..

        Good luck,
        Louise xxx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          knew I had a problem

          :welcome: Finally,

          This place works wonders. I look forward to seeing you around.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            knew I had a problem

            A problem shared............................

            Hello Finally - you've arrived at the right place - welcome - you'll have loads of support.
            Gonnabee not Wannabee


              knew I had a problem

              Hi Finallyaway and a warm welcome to you.

              I sat in front of my pc for wks., reading all the posts on here, glass in hand. I felt nothing but despair and enormous admiration for the many people on here who had managed to reclaim their lives from booze. I sat here reading, crying and drinking, until something just clicked in my mind, and I realised that alcohol affects my brain, but my mind is my own. It was then that my mind decided that I too, wanted my life back. Am now on my 2nd. wk. of moderation, and consider I am doing really well, compared to how I was drinking every night only 3 wks. ago. It`s far from easy, but I already know that I will never allow myself to revert back to my old ways.

              You too can do this. We are all here to help you.

              I wish you all that I wish for myself,

              Starlight Impress


                knew I had a problem

                :welcome: Finallyaway! It takes a few small changes here & there every day... and next thing ya know, you're making changes within yourself.
                We are all works in progress. Glad you found us.
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  knew I had a problem

                  Hi Finallyaway,
                  No just what you are saying, for a while there every converstion i had ended up taking about alcohol, i think when all you are doing is trying to find a why to get this monster undercontrol its time to look for help,and here is a great way to start at least these people all know how we feel, unlike people who dont have a problem, which sometimes makes you feel worse , i am still picking up the pieces from a horrible seperation, and the alcohol was just making it harder, i think about it everyday but just try to do something else to think of something else, we are strong the easy way would be to buy the stuff or if you do to be strong and try to only have half of what you use to. (i can not do that yet)
                  you can do it chilli


                    knew I had a problem

                    Hi, new here! Just wondered if anyone else was around to chat too?


                      knew I had a problem

                      Welcome Finally,
                      Glad that you found us. It's a great feeling when you make the decision to change for yourself and your children isn't it? Hope to see you around.

                      Take care.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        knew I had a problem

                        Welcome, Finallyaway!


