My husband of almost 10 years (2 kids ages 5 and 7) is an "Epsilon" Alcoholic (periodic binger) and drug abuser. He has been sober/clean for only 2 weeks. He wrecked my car and left it in the garage for me to find. I took the kids in a rental and left. Finally hitting MY rock bottom and realizing that I could no longer participte/enable this ongoing mess.
After a few days he hit his bottom, went to see a counselor and went cold turkey -- and is working hard to figure out how to stay sober. I was really calm and supportive thru the initial shock of the first week but am not struggling -- up and down -- confused, hurt, scared, angry -- sometimes all at once. Really a MESS!
Should I be in AlaNon if he is not in AA?
Should I be pushing him to go to AA?
Like many Epsilon Alcoholic -- periodic binging -- has sober stretches in betwen where there is no craving for drinks -- so many people resist help -- thinking they are in control. Anyone ever heard of that?
He initially agreed to replace the car (which is only 1 year old) and is now saying we will have to fix it and live with it because it is proving to be expensive proposition ---- I'm angry and disappointed that he is not "making it right" -- but am not sure if I should push the issue --- I am always scared to "push" with him though and wonder -- am I again enabling??? Like as if he could say, "No big deal. The insurance is paying for the $7k damage to you car. We got off easy."????? I am disgusted at the idea of seeing this vehicle back in my driveway as it represents all the lies, sneaking, dishonesty, callousness with our family stability and his own life -- he could've been killed or killed someone else that night -- -- Am I being unreasonable?
I'm just sorting this all out -- very appreciative of any feedback.