I have just read "42 Days to Wealth, Health and Happiness: How to take control and Transform your Life For Ever" by Robin Sieger, a self-help book designed to change your life.
It is a 42 day programme designed to renew your body, mind and spirit. Put simply, the book focusses on taking each day in isolation and working on a particular thought worthy of reflection and is backed up with ideas on nutrition and exercise. The exercise seems simple enough: a collection of gentle calisthenics alternated daily with walking. The dietary aspect seems straightforward too: no processed or convenience foods.
The difficult thing for me, and the main reason I am attracted to the programme, is because Sieger insists on having no alcohol for the duration. 42 days AF! For me this would be the longest time without a drink since I was a teenager - not yesterday I can tell you!
Sieger outlines immediately the fact that he does not want you to dive straight into the programme, but rather that you read the book and take a couple of days to get ready for beginning it. This is what I have done and I am ready to begin on Monday!
I also intend to take the supplements recommended by RJ to help my diet and to reduce cravings. Another item in my armoury for success is you: my friends at MWO. I intend to post every day and if anyone is interested in reading what I have to say, encouraging me or even joining in then I really would be appreciative.
Thanks for reading this,