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The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

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    The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

    Techie - Sadly yes same guy!
    I actually went to his smoking clinic 14 years ago last week and never had another cigarette.
    I also used the same method when I quit drinking, the psychology behind it doesnt resonate with everyone and to some its just bullshit but for me it was like a light going on and I embraced the whole thinking even enjoying the game of killing the nicotine then the alcohol monster......
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

      Thanks much Chill I'm getting it. Stay in touch..techie
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

        I read it and thought it was Very good and didn't drink for 5 weeks. Had a blip tho and back to day 1 AF. I've started to read it again now I like the way he refers to AL as DEVASTATION ! He wasn't wrong there!


          The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

          I read this book a month or so before I finally quilt drinking with the help of baclofen. It truly was a good book with a great way of thinking about alcohol that I hadn't thought of before in a practical way. It also helps lay the groundwork for a personal philosophy about drinking that can help me maintain my abstinence and not think I am "missing out" on a full life by doing so.


            The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

            I ordered this book from amazon yesterday before I saw these book reviews on here, Im glad that most of you all like it Im so looking forward to getting it now.


              The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

              Great book, thanks for the "bump" Sheri
              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                I'm currently re-reading the book. It didn't sink in the first time.


                  The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                  I just ordered it then I read this thread.

                  I am excited as for me drinking is TOTALLY psychological. I am very open to new concepts and I am hoping it impacts me to finally quit this crap.


                    The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                    good morning all, sounds quite interesting, the ending got me, only 177 dollars,the AA book cost me 10 dollarrs and i 've had it for many years , and i don't attend AA anymore, the old saying whatever works,plus my favorite, HEALING THE ADDICTED BRAIN,16. dollars, he also hit it rite on the button, society at this state,is opened to anything that works ,there is so much imformation on addiction on just the net,it s actually convincing the BRAIN to research the damage that is being done from abuse, not rocket science,good luck gyco


                      The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                      If anyone wants to read The Easy Way or any other book together let me know.

                      I'm also reading Over the Influence: The Harm Reduction guide. I find the three authors very kind hearted. It covers harm reduction through abstinence.

                      Take care,


                        The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                        Hi, I read this awhile back and stoped for a month. (it was actually a great period)... I did slip and am currently rereading. I really like the book and am trying to get it all into my head because I do believe what he is saying.

                        What I would really like is an e-book of this. I looked everywhere. See, my problem mostly is a long drive home from work. That's when I decide to get drinks from the store. I really wish I could listen to this on the way home on CD!! Any one have any ideas?


                          The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                          Johaven - I read this book some years ago and like you stopped for a few weeks. I believe I hadn't reached my bottom and when I re-read it last year I was determined to quit and really absorbed it this time. And it worked! I also would have loved it on audio and hunted everywhere but never had any luck. It's a pity because I think it would be an excellent tool. On a slightly different subject, I bought Wayne Dyer's book Excuses Begone in audio and I played it and played it ever moment I got when I 1st quit. Its not specifically about addictions its general about everything in life we allow ourselves to make excuses for but it was an enormous help to me.
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            The Easy Way to Stop Drinking


                            Unfortunately, Easy Way isn't in CD format. I agree, it would be great to have it in the car.


                            I just ordered Begone from the library. Thanks for the suggestion. I generally like Dyer.


                              The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                              Bluejay I'd be really interested to heard what you think of this one, I'm a big Dyer fan and this one was particularly helpful in stopping me make my usual excuses.
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                                Hey Chill,

                                It will probably take a few days to get the CDs but I'll let you know. I think I saw his presentation on Excuses Begone on PBS some years ago, but I never picked up the book.

