ohhh Chill....I may have to borrow that rant!!!!!
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The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
Easy Way to Control Alchohol
Hi all
I just grabbed this book to day, and have been voraciously reading it - I am a very quick reader!
I am going to have to go over it a few times I think, I do identify with a lot of things he says.
The bit about not having any physical effects coming off alcohol did not ring true at all.
And the instruction to "not worry about the little monster" made me chuckle.
My "monster" is not so little at the moment - thankfully he knows that he can't mess with antabuse
lol - just realised my monster is a he, and I am a she :blush:
Oh and the other books I grabbed from the library included "vegan cooking for dummies" and "zombies".
The zombie book is a compendium of stories and promises "satanic pigeons", hmm I do think my brain is in an odd place!:wings: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."
The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
I have read both Jason Vale and Alan Carr, I stopped for around 3 years and started again because it was the first Christmas anniversary of my Dad's death (didn't know that at the time though - thought I was just being an adult and thinking I was making a decision to start again but moderately!) yeah, right, 2 years after that fateful X-mas and Monday morning past I was lying in bed begging for help.
I really feel the universe came to my rescue as that day I bought 'Alcohol Lied to Me' by Craig Beck off Amazon. It comes with hynotherapy at the end and makes so much sense.
I've seen how good life was without alcohol, seen how quickly it gets bad when I started again so thankyou, thankyou, thankyou Universe that I've had this second chance.
Life without means I'm not stuck and trapped and slowly killing myselff. I'm free once again and I won't ever be tempted again.
I honestly knew by the first sip of champagne (I was only going to drink champagne, - that didn't last long, I can tell you) that I was hooked again. Definitely the brain chemistry and as Scott says you can't use will power to win against brain chemistry. As I have actually experienced the hit with one sip, even after all that time of stopping and then the downward spiral, again, thankyou Universe for giving me the strength because it was touch and go this week.Honour Thyself
The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
Emily, congratulations on yor return to happiness. I'm always checking back through the Easy Way thread and the Jason Vale thread since I really liked both books. Is " Alcohol Lied To Me " the same message. If not can yo let us know what is the general message, Thanks
The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
sober;1479503 wrote: I know that alan wrote a quit smoking book. I wonder if he applies the same approach to quit smoking to stop drinking. If his approach to quit smoking is effective I can't see why not.
The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
His quit smoking book really did it for me.
I find his religious take a bunch of hooey, but would recommend the approach to anyone for any addiction.
It really is all about changing your mind and undoing the brainwashing.
I have just read his weight loss book......will let you know in a month or twothe changes he recommends are simple, can't wait to see if they work.
The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
Funny, I came on here to post about his book on "Controlling Alcohol". It appears to have a lot of the same concepts. And yes, it does make you look at alcohol in a different light. As someone who let's 85% of the time has his drinking under control, it's the 25% that does worry me from time to time, which I why I bought that book.
I was wondering if anyone has read the "Controlling Alcohol" book and if so, what the major differences are?
I can tell you right now, Controlling Alcohol book, is very much coming across as a why to stop drinking book, not that I am complaining about that, just wondering if anyone has a comparison of the two?
The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
I have decided to quit drinking as of next year - mid January is the target date. A drinking buddy is moving far away for good so I do not want to quit until he's gone. His absence will spur on the urge to stop so I feel I might as well wait till then.
I have read the book twice but HAVEN'T read the last chapter on either occasion. The last bit is called THE INSTRUCTIONS. Alan Carr says that if you don't feel you are ready to quit yet, don't read this last bit. Instead, re read the book again. I have done so and I intend to read this last bit once I have xmas/new year out of the way and this dear friend has departed. I feel it will be easier to quit once the pressure of the year end has passed and the friend is no longer phoning me asking "if I fancy a tipple". Also have one little trip to Ireland before the end of the year which always involves too much drink. I will allow myself this as it falls within my last 5-6 weeks before the quit will begin.
Alan DOES say after all, "don't stop drinking till you've finished the book"
Looking forward to everything (both the final few weeks of drinking AND the beginning of the quit process)
The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
I have read the last bit of the book now that I have decided to quit. The Friend has not left for america yet but I had one last drinking session with him on the 2nd of jan (big football game was on tv too)
woke up on the 3rd hungover and havent felt like drinking since. Have read the last bit of the book so hopefully it has sunk in.
Looking forward to any health benfits that come and glad not to be stuck in a pub at weekends.
The Easy Way to Stop Drinking
Managed 22 days not drinking. But alas I have come off the wagon on Saturday and Sunday just gone.
Back to square 1 for me and will read alan car's book again. I had said to myself I was going to quit when my drinking buddy moves to america for good. Problem was that it was taking him ages to get his visa so I decided to go ahead with the quit anyway. Things came to a head when I met him on Saturday for a meal and drinks. I shouldn't have attempted to quit while he's still here but I was thinking it may take him ages to leave so I need to get on with this quit.
I now know he is leaving the 1st week of March so I will aim to quit after that day. At least I know I can do the 22 days worth so I just need to not slip back into things. I will keep drinking till then