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Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

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    Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

    I recently purchased a book by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema called Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression--and How Women Can Break Free.

    This book is so far absolutely AMAZING! It is so wonderfully refreshing to know that overthinking about what I've said-not said-done-not done correctly and then brutalizing myself for all these "mistakes" is quite common amongst women. Thoughts like that can lead to depression, which can lead to the abuse of alcohol and food. Some doctors tend to diagnose a person as having EITHER depression, substance abuse, or food abuse. This doctor/author suggests that those three go hand in hand. It could start with being depressed, then we'll drink, and when we drink we tend to eat the worst foods ever and then feel horrible physically and emotionally for it--hence keeping on with the depression. I know I've done this no less than a MILLION times! It also says that when situations arise, women project inward about what THEY personally did wrong to contribute to the situation while men project outward looking to blame someone else for the situation. The book gives tools to help us break free from this self-destructive triangle.

    I'm highly suggesting this book and another one by the same author called Women Who Think Too Much: How to Break Free of Over-thinking and Reclaim Your Life.

    Happy Reading Family!

    Last night of binge drinking May 4, 2010

    AF Since May 5, 2010

    Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

    Hi Fran - I will check this out, I strongly believe that most depression is caused by our thinking and that if we can learn to control our thought we can change this forever. I suffered from bouts of depression pretty constantly over the years and can hand on heart say that this has completely gone now im sober which proves the link between drinking and depression for me. I also definitely over ate when feeling depressed and still do to a small extent when im slightly down but again since being sober I have lost 12 pounds and am now my optimum weight.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

      Based on your post, I ordered the book on CD from the library... I like alot of the points she brings up like women trying to please everyone and be responsible for everyone. She does present a few good coping strategies like mindfulness, urge surfing (there is a thread somewhere here on that) and journaling when a craving comes up to try an analyze it.

      Lately I've been coming across alot of books that talk about mindfulness being a key to experiencing our feelings and learning to live with them instead of drowning them out. I believe in the power of coincidence and these books keep popping up in front of me from various sources. Pretty much anything by Pema Chodron is a good education on mindfulness and "not bolting" from feelings. Books by Geenen Roth are good too. Since the universe is presenting this to me, I am going to pursue this topic and see where it leads. Thanks for recommending this one.


        Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

        Picked it up at the library yesterday, but haven't started reading it yet. Will keep you posted



          Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

          Whoa, thank you for the suggestion Fran. That is right up my alley as I suffer from an eating disorder and depression too.

          I will definately check this out, thank you!


            Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

            me too - I am looking into 'mindful way through depression' I overeat when stressed/depressed/over drink and DEFINITELY overthink - I've read the book standing in a shop before and was very tempted to buy it.

            Have just ordered 'weight less mind' and 'stress less mind' cds and books by georgia foster - hypnotherapist - she does 'the drink less mind ' as well

            all about your inner parts and hwo they relate- confident part,inner critic and pleaser - interesting stuff.

            There's lots of stuff about at the moment re mindfulness and defeating depression.
            one day at a time


              Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

              Half way through the book. Can't see myself in the bulimea, anorexia nervosa part, and only a little in the overeating, but the overthinking and the depression hit home.
              Starting the part on how to get out of the rut. Hoping there are some good real life suggestions.



                Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

                Winefree;879161 wrote: Half way through the book. Can't see myself in the bulimea, anorexia nervosa part, and only a little in the overeating, but the overthinking and the depression hit home.
                Starting the part on how to get out of the rut. Hoping there are some good real life suggestions.


                Let me know your thoughts. I can relate to the vicious circle - depressed (usually work-related feelings) so went home to drink to not feel anything - and then would continue to feed trying to feel better by eating a bag of potato chips. Only, to awake in the morning with alot of self-loathing - both for the drinking and the weight gain over the past few years.

                I am on just day 5 AF, and I really want to stay AF and perhaps this book will help me as a "tool" too.


                  Eating, Drinking, Overthinking: The Toxic Triangle of Food, Alcohol, and Depression

                  Mindfulness has been a theme over the last few months of my life. I am reading a book called Listening Below the Nosie by Anne D. LeClaire that discusses this. She chooses to stay silent 2 days a month and just listens inward. I am going to check your book recomendation out!

