This book is so far absolutely AMAZING! It is so wonderfully refreshing to know that overthinking about what I've said-not said-done-not done correctly and then brutalizing myself for all these "mistakes" is quite common amongst women. Thoughts like that can lead to depression, which can lead to the abuse of alcohol and food. Some doctors tend to diagnose a person as having EITHER depression, substance abuse, or food abuse. This doctor/author suggests that those three go hand in hand. It could start with being depressed, then we'll drink, and when we drink we tend to eat the worst foods ever and then feel horrible physically and emotionally for it--hence keeping on with the depression. I know I've done this no less than a MILLION times! It also says that when situations arise, women project inward about what THEY personally did wrong to contribute to the situation while men project outward looking to blame someone else for the situation. The book gives tools to help us break free from this self-destructive triangle.
I'm highly suggesting this book and another one by the same author called Women Who Think Too Much: How to Break Free of Over-thinking and Reclaim Your Life.
Happy Reading Family!