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    EXCUSES BEGONE by Wayne Dyer
    This book shows you how to breaks down all the old believes you have acumulated in your life and change your thinking, to change your life! We all have the unique power of self mastery, the power to do whatever and act however we want. We also have doubts and fears which get in the way of achieving these. It teaches you how to get past the little voice inside that says "I cant".....

    This may not appeal unless you are a fan of spiritual work, I have read and loved many books by this great man who has also faced addiction in his life. I read this book in October last year before it had even entered my head to quit drinking. I bought it in hard copy and down loaded it to my ipod so i could listen to it at every oportunity. I truely believe the soundbites burrowed into my mind planting seeds regarding my addiction. I still listen to it on a regular basis to remind me when these excuses creep into my mind that I dont have to accept them. Now on a daily basis I Q all my thoughts and ask myself whether or not im making an excuse, the freedom this gives is truely exhilarating!
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


    I actually have a few of his books in my collection, have not read them yet.....Will start one today.

    Thanks Chilly xxx
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010

