At almost 1,000 pages, "Fall of Giants," weaves the fictional lives of five families and some 100 secondary characters through the years betweenJune 1911 and January 1924. He begins with a mining disaster in Wales and the stirrings of World War I, and ends with the consequences of the Russian Revolution and the portents of World War II.
By the final pages, we've seen the children born who will go on to carry us through the next two books of a planned trilogy. Billy Williams was my favorite character BTW.
History is the plot: World War I (the political maneuvering and the bloody battles), the feminist movement, the right to vote, the rise of workers unions, the Bolsheviks' climb to power. We know what happened. Follett wants us to see how, creating characters to take us through this history through a generational prism. I can't wait for the next book. Techie