As I read this intriguing novel, I was at times perplexed by the ramblings of Roseanne as she tried to capture her fleeting memories but I had to remind myself that she was nearly 100 years old and should be entitled to her ramblings as they were her way of trying to set the story straight so to speak.
As the storyline developed, my interest continued to increase as I was curious to know which version of the story had more truth, Roseanne's or Dr. Grene's. Or, perhaps, a combination of the two stories?
There is a twist at the end that I absolutely did not see coming so I was left totally satisfied with this novel.
Certainly, not a 'light read' based on the subject matter but 'The Secret Scripture' is a book that I would recommend for those who are interested in learning more about Ireland during it's rebellious years and for those who enjoy mysteries with surprise endings.