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Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

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    Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

    Havefaith, I plan on keeping my book. I have highlighted and dog eared sections and plan on reffering to it after I am done. I know it's available on Amazon. This book (and Easyway) are definately keepers and I'm not sure many people will want to part with their copies. After you get your book, please post about your progress.


      Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

      Can't wait to get the book. Bookstore did not have it and I could not download it online so will order. Thanks for the recommendation. I am always hopeful one book will have my cure.

      Be well.


        Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

        Hey Duck

        Please let me know if you think this book is worth reading; before I buy it. Thanks, Kitty Cat


          Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

          It's the same book as Kick the Drink Easily by Jason Vale. There is a lot of buzz about it on this board currently. There is a thread in the general section calledTHIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I think it's great and really worth getting, even if you have Easy Way by Allen Carr..


            Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

            Kitty Kat,

            By all means, get the book! I think it may have done the trick. I liked the Alan Carr book too but Kick the Drink has a writing style that really grabbed me. Let me know what you think!



              Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

              Buy the book, Mona.

              It changed my life and the way I look at alcohol, the battle (there is none), and the brainwashing the alcohol industry and our governments have been doing for decades.

              If you have a kindle you can get it for $10.00.



                Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

                Chief;1194559 wrote: Buy the book, Mona.

                It changed my life and the way I look at alcohol, the battle (there is none), and the brainwashing the alcohol industry and our governments have been doing for decades.

                If you have a kindle you can get it for $10.00.

                I agree, definitely worth buying!


                  Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

                  The pink book

                  G'day everyone, well I have decided it is time to join in with you and share a bit of good news with you. I accedently found the pink book as I now affectionately refer to it when I was looking for another book to help out family on a completely different issue. I have never been completely happy with drinking and have never been able to get rid of it once and for all even with so called profesional help and pharmacy drugs and head shrinking and AA, thankfully this book has given me previously unknown freedom from the whole thing from addiction and believing the advertising to just plain finding excususes to drink. After I finished the book over six months ago I met a fellow that I had not seen for 33 years, ME and he is still hanging around and doing well. people that are thinking about doing this should but also should realise that they will need to be prepard for some unexpected bits but for the most part it is all good. I launched in to this with out letting on to anyone so there were some startled people for a start with plenty of advise and comments on what I was doing. That's enough for now but am happy to talk more on the subject if anyone would like to.
                  All the best to everyone and keep on cruis'n.
                  Cruisin now.


                    Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

                    EVERYONE should buy this book.
                    Im new here, but this book has so far saved my life.
                    I too read Alan Carrs book, (very funny), but Jason's book just expands the logic and may be easier to understand. Read BOTH!
                    Either way, I believe what he says and now I feel free for the first time from this and all other addictive substances. I hope to be able to apply the logic (facts) to food and other addictive stuff.
                    NO ONE should be afraid to read these two books!
                    Be afraid of what alcohol is doing to you and those who love you!
                    You wouldn't be reading this if it wasn't a problem.
                    Its less expensive than Bourbon
                    Invest in yourself. This who love you will rejoice!


                      Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

                      still here

                      Well here I am now some 14 or so months down the track after reading the pink book, I am still living and loving life, I have kept a journal of my journey to freedom and have written some thirty odd pages about how things unfolded and the events and happenings along the way. I am so glad I did this and highly recommend that those who are about to take this most wondrous pilgrimage in to freedom and your special place, it helps you understand what is going on around you and why. In my journey I got the feeling I was loosing some friends as they had issues with me stopping, I was taken aback by this and in my naivety expected all and sundry to be pleased with what I have done, sadly not the case. I am pleased to report that the main friend that became distant has now started to come back on the scene to my relief. It is not that people are not happy for you to quit I think it is an affront to them as it puts there self honesty in to question and I know that honesty in addiction is a rare commodity. On my 12 month anniversary I grabbed the wife and took her out for tea to the pub just because I could, what a great feeling to walk in to a pub and not have to have grog. I am about to read Ross Fitzgerald?s book ?My Name is Ross? mainly to compare the way it was for him to the way that I found that worked for me, I don?t believe now for one minute that we need to succumb to a life of guilt and continued confession that we are an addict when we have been clean for how ever long we have been clean for. I guess it is different for everyone so what works works, as long as we can survive, where there is life there is hope. I am developing a desire to take what I have learnt to the wider public but am not sure how to go about this, I am still writing of my thoughts towards this enigma of society and am sure that apart from directing the odd interested person to the book I will find a way of letting people know that we don?t have to be addicted to alcohol just because the universe is geared to this substance. I will make a point of reading Alan Carr?s book down the track a bit.
                      When you have had enough READ THE BOOK!


                        Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

                        Just finished this book straight after reading the Allan Carr one. Very similar content, but I could relate better to Jason Vale's style of writing.

                        Got so much out of this book and it has completely opened my mind to a new way of looking at alcohol, not only how it impacted on me personally, but the part it plays in a much wider context. It's helped me go from "I can do this (quit alcohol forever) through willpower and determination" to genuinely feeling that I no longer want to drink and that I am not missing out on a thing, nor sacrificing a single thing by becoming a non-drinker. All the fears I had about handling a future without alcohol, especially in social settings, have been alleviated.

                        It really highlights the brainwashing, conditioning and downright trickery that goes on out there from the minute we are born in regards to alcohol from drinks companies, the government, other drinkers etc and has really made me look are things differently.

                        I would highly recommend this book :-) xxx


                          Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

                          Just read it, it's amazing. Total common sense but also totally mind changing. Loved it.


                            Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

                            I agree, it is a mind changing book and one I have mentioned on MWO several times. I read it at least monthly for the first 3 or 4 months, then eased back to every 3 months for a while. I needed to keep the thoughts in the forefront of my mind. It was instrumental in my quitting. Can't recommend Vale's book enough.


                              Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

                              Have to bump this thread up....thanks to this book and Jason Vale for making me see sense and making me realise I wasnt missing out on anything...because there's nothing to give up!

                              Read the book last May and I'm now 1 year AF. Would definitely recommend you read it in one go or over 2-3 days.
                              AF since 9 May 2012
                              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                                Stop Drinking For Life Easily by Jason Vale.

                                Finished Allen Car's book and downloaded Jason Vale's. I must say Allen's book changed my entire outlook on alcohol and makes a lot of sense in and delivers some valid points in contrast to AA

                                Looking forward to starting this book!

