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    by Rosamund Lupton is a novel I'm muddling through right now. It's a story about a family struggling in the aftermath of a school fire. Both the daughter and mother were critically injured in the fire, and as they lay comotose in the hospital, their "spirits" run around trying to figure out who started the fire. The mother narrates as if she is talking to her husband, who can't really hear her because she's, well, comotose.

    The premise sounded very promising and I ordered the book thinking it would be great. However, I'm struggling to finish it, and have put it down countless times to read something more interesting. The only reason I am compelled to finish it, is to find out "whodunit".

    Anyone else read this one? I'd be interested in your thoughts.

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


    Well I started..I found the story so far fetched, I had to give up. I read her first book - sorry, can't remember the name (Sisters?) which I enjoyed but thought the ending again was disappointing and unbelievable. I've just read The Suspect by Michael Robotham, excellent - ordered two more from the same author. UK based though so not sure if applicable.



      As far as I know, Lupton is also UK based, so yes it's applicable. I will check it out! Thanks.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath



        Oops, I've read it, lol. Just remembered, and yes it's good.

        "I like people too much or not at all."
        Sylvia Plath



          Another suggestion: The Bed I Made by Lucie Whitehouse. It's a 'woman fleeing abusive relationship' type but very well written (not sure why I included 'but' in that!)

          I spend way too much time on Amazon reading reviews, that spider's web thing of 'oh, he/she liked that, so did I, so what else did they like' Great to be able to buy second hand and not feel guilty if I make a mistake, I just give them to the charity shops.

