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Seven weeks to Sobriety? Anyone read it?
Seven weeks to Sobriety? Anyone read it?
I have seen this - this book talks about that thing I brought up in another thread - the allergic type of addictive personality, versus the 5HTP or whatever vs. non-addictive vs hyperglycemic etc etc. - i thought it looked really interesting. If you do purchase it, feel free to shareOver 4 months AF :h
Seven weeks to Sobriety? Anyone read it?
I read it several years ago and quit drinking for six months. I was interested in "healing" so was motivated to not drink. I'm not sure that the combination of supplements was the motivator as much as my own desire for a change. I still refer to it from time to time. It stresses the use of L glutamine for cravings. I don't think it was enough for me in the long run. And of course, avoiding sugar.
Seven weeks to Sobriety? Anyone read it?
Scooby, the book is highly recommended by a friend that used the books plan as her program in an alcohol treatment clinic. Crazy that I don't own a copy already with an endorsement like thatShe is a highly trained nutritionalist and says the book is spot on and really well written. There is also a website that somebody posted a few weeks ago that refers to doctor Larsens book and supplement packages. two thumbs up from what I've read. and in the vein of what Mdianeo said it won't do everything for you but I'm sure it will be some ammo for your fight! Thanks for reminding me...I'm going to look on ebay right now for a copy.
nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Seven weeks to Sobriety? Anyone read it?
Scooby, I've had my eye on this book as well though I haven't ordered it yet. I think this is the link that D was referring to: about alcoholism treatment & mental health
I've started experimenting with different supplements, partly from what I read on the site. They don't give you doses and schedules on the site, I guess because you're supposed to buy the book, but I've gathered info from other resources as well. (Not because I'm too cheap to buy the book, but because I like to check out different sources and opinions.) I think I may buy this book and the one that InnerStrength recommended. I'll post reviews if I do.
pixieAF since 6JUN2012
Seven weeks to Sobriety? Anyone read it?
I read it.I thought it was good.It says it has a 74% recovery rate if you follow it.I did quit drinking for a short while following along with it best I could.It had alot of supplements and I bought as much of the stuff as I could.You can order it online(the supplements all together) from Health Recovery Center. I didn't do that it was expensive.think I got the book off amazon for 2 or 3 dollars. Bird
Seven weeks to Sobriety? Anyone read it?
Scooby I have read it -- another good book is Potatoes not Prozac the title is deceiving but they both discuss nutrition and the need for protein balance... also there is a yeast connection with almost all folks who crave alcohol,and/or sugar William Crooks the Yeast Symdrome is useful as well -- all recommend eliminating certain foods and when you reintroduce them you'll know right away when your how your body reacts. Hope this helps. La Liz.