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My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

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    Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

    @Mulburry, the third book in the Malazan series was the clincher for me. That said, it's an insanely long series. And if it wasn't, and if the first book wasn't so dark, it would outsell GOT by a long shot. Erikson is truly a brilliant writer.

    I would rather have the books I got rid of piled in corners than more than half of what I have stored in the attic, or cluttering my space currently. I don't know what I'm missing, but I do know that I don't have the copy of Infinite Jest, that a MWO friend sent me years ago, and that makes me really, profoundly sad.

    Based on @techie's recommendation, and yours, I'm going to have to read Goldfinch. A couple of years ago, I read the Pulitzer Prize and Booker Award winners that didn't make me want to jump off a bridge. Apparently was after that, or it was one of the books I was wary of. That said, I'll re-mention The Sport of Kings. I wouldn't have read it if it hadn't won an award, but it was really, really good.

    @mollyka, I almost posted (again!) to mention the Thomas Covenant series. Reading this thread and thinking about what I would put on my shelves that really impacted me, if I had shelf space, and wanted to buy things, made me remember that series. A boyfriend gave me the first one when I was living overseas and had no access to books in english. Stephen Donaldson ranks up there in the annals of fantasy fiction. I think I'll read that series next, after Goldfinch and maybe rereading Shadows of the Wind.
    Last edited by Ne/Neva Eva; February 9, 2023, 09:59 PM.


      Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

      Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
      I'll re-mention The Sport of Kings. I wouldn't have read it if it hadn't won an award, but it was really, really good.
      I'll check it out! Along with the one Techie mentioned.


        Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

        Originally posted by mollyka View Post
        Anyone read The chronicles of Thomas Covenant by Stephen Donaldson? My first delve into fantasy of sorts many moons ago and still one of the best imo...deffo a treat in store if not!
        I haven't, but I remember my brother having read them when he was younger and really liking them.


          Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

          Originally posted by Ne/Neva Eva View Post
          @Mulburry, the third book in the Malazan series was the clincher for me. That said, it's an insanely long series. And if it wasn't, and if the first book wasn't so dark, it would outsell GOT by a long shot. Erikson is truly a brilliant writer.

          I would rather have the books I got rid of piled in corners than more than half of what I have stored in the attic, or cluttering my space currently. I don't know what I'm missing, but I do know that I don't have the copy of Infinite Jest, that a MWO friend sent me years ago, and that makes me really, profoundly sad.

          Based on @techie's recommendation, and yours, I'm going to have to read Goldfinch. A couple of years ago, I read the Pulitzer Prize and Booker Award winners that didn't make me want to jump off a bridge. Apparently was after that, or it was one of the books I was wary of. That said, I'll re-mention The Sport of Kings. I wouldn't have read it if it hadn't won an award, but it was really, really good.

          @mollyka, I almost posted (again!) to mention the Thomas Covenant series. Reading this thread and thinking about what I would put on my shelves that really impacted me, if I had shelf space, and wanted to buy things, made me remember that series. A boyfriend gave me the first one when I was living overseas and had no access to books in english. Stephen Donaldson ranks up there in the annals of fantasy fiction. I think I'll read that series next, after Goldfinch and maybe rereading Shadows of the Wind.
          Goldfinch was a fabulous read...hard to describe without reading it but WELL worth reading for sure!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

            Originally posted by techie View Post
            After careful consideration I have decided my favorite book is The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron.
            I was planning on getting this one sometime soon, and then saw it (and snagged it) at one of those (free) neighborhood book box exchanges! How fortuitous, serendipity!


              Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

              Originally posted by mulburry View Post
              i was planning on getting this one sometime soon, and then saw it (and snagged it) at one of those (free) neighborhood book box exchanges! How fortuitous, serendipity!
              a w e s o m e
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

                I'll only mention this because we were talking about Neal Stephenson recently, but boy am I on a hot streak, found two more books I've had on my "to read" list in neighborhood book exchanges today: Diamond Age (by aforementioned author) and a virtually brand new hard cover copy of Cormac MacCarthy's new novel Passenger!


                  Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

                  Not sure where we were talking about Quicksilver (might have been another thread) but I'm about 2/3 through it now; the first part (Daniel Waterhouse) was pretty interesting, especially all the science stuff, though a little meandering and slow sometimes. But I'm really digging the next part(s), both Jack and Eliza are such great characters, and love the humorous aspect of it.


                    Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

                    Originally posted by Mulburry View Post
                    Not sure where we were talking about Quicksilver (might have been another thread) but I'm about 2/3 through it now; the first part (Daniel Waterhouse) was pretty interesting, especially all the science stuff, though a little meandering and slow sometimes. But I'm really digging the next part(s), both Jack and Eliza are such great characters, and love the humorous aspect of it.
                    Yes, Quicksilver. Brilliant book!
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      Re: My # 1 Favorite Book. What’s yours?

                      Originally posted by techie View Post
                      After careful consideration I have decided my favorite book is The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron. Sadly this brilliant author passed away a few years ago due to cancer. I have recommended this book often and have shared my copy with at least seven friends!
                      Just finished Shadow of the Wind, definitely a great read, really enjoyed it (though maybe not quite as much as you). I thought some of the gothic/macaber/tragic stuff (and romantic stuff) was maybe a little over-the-top, and the middle dragged a bit (with so much backstory) but was made up for a pulse pounding ending. I loved the way Zafon interweaved the two stories (ie Julian/Daniel) and brought them together. I really liked the sense of mystery and intrigue throughout as well. It was written very eloquently and it had some really memorable characters (Fermin Romero de Torres for the win).

                      By the way, have you read any of the prequels/sequels? How were they?
                      Last edited by Mulburry; June 14, 2023, 09:25 PM.


                        Well, I finally finished The Baroque Cycle by Stephenson (ie Quicksilver which we discussed earlier being the first book) and it was indeed an absolutely brilliant saga.
                        Though it might not be for everyone (it can be a touch slow and meandering at times) it is indeed an epic series. It's a fine blend of history and fiction, and takes place at such an interesting time period, at the fulcrum of the turn towards the period of enlightment, and much of it centers around the advent of the modern systems of science (especially), industry and economics (featuring prominent characters such as Newton, Liebnitz and Hooke from that time). Not only is it a fascinating read on a philosophical level, it is also full of political intrigue and swash buckling adventure, and has some fabulously memorable characters (Jack and Eliza come to mind). All told in Stephenson's unique voice, consistently infused with an ironic sense of humor. Even though I manged to stretch it out over a couple years, it's one I'm sad to be finished.

