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My intentions! (R lack there of??)

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    Its a CARTOON leprechaun!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Hold me, trust me, listen to my heart
      And I will do the same.

      Use me, hurt me, treat me like a fool
      And I will do the same

      Hate me, frighten me, threaten my very existence
      And I will do the same

      For I am human...and I need to be loved.

      I haven't clicked like or thanks for a couple pages now because I find this ALL too sad to 'like' ANY of it.

      Most of you guys have known me for years and know I am right when I point out this is now simply about egos and playground politics.

      There is no need for any more to be said. I certainly won't post on it again
      Last edited by kuya; December 19, 2015, 05:15 PM.


        Originally posted by kuya View Post
        Hold me, trust me, listen to my heart
        And I will do the same.

        Use me, hurt me, treat me like a fool
        And I will do the same

        Hate me, frighten me, threaten my very existence
        And I will do the same

        For I am human...and I need to be loved.

        I haven't clicked like or thanks for a couple pages now because I find this ALL too sad to 'like' ANY of it.

        Most of you guys have known me for years and know I am right when I point out this is now simply about egos and playground politics.

        There is no need for any more to be said. I certainly won't post on it again
        Where is Kuya - BRING HER BACK you impostor :haha:


          I am a newbie, posting wise, and have to say this thread is quite off putting. I know online forums have these phases, having gone thru a few on other forums. But, yuk.


            What exactly Leafy do you not like ?
            A bunch of diverse people - with one thing in common - beating alcohol.
            There are bound to be tiffs - and I for one like to see a bit of PASSION on the forum- means we have opinions we are not afraid to voice ...and if sometimes they differ .... good !

            Tell us your story while you are here ?


              I’m new here as well, so far have just been reading so I guess I’m what you people call a lurker. I agree with Leafy though, this conversation doesn’t help my opinion of MyWayOut. There are some good conversations and support here so I just may stay around for a while. But I don’t think this conversation did any good for anyone. I think all 3 people had a big error in judgement, and they should have been left alone to figure out their differences. And I sure don’t see any support when a senior member resorts to name calling like dickhead and fishlady. I also agree agree with what the lady previously said, all that happened is two members left, one who appeared to need help and the other appeared to be helping others. I sure hope I don’t see much more of this or I’ll find another place that is friendlier.


                In any group of people, much more when some of them are very vulnerable, misunderstandings occur and things are said that result in people feeling hurt. It is remarkable to me what a small percentage of the interactions on MWO are negative. And many that are taken as negative weren't even intended to be! Have you read the many other threads? This one is the outlier and even it contains many kind, supportive posts. I hope you stick around Leafy and Lloydlady, and don't cheat yourself out of the good things MWO has to offer. I also hope Cowboy and Gilf decide to return. All the best, NS
                Last edited by NoSugar; December 21, 2015, 09:54 PM.


                  Loydlady, please don't judge MWO based on differences in one thread. Yes, feelings were hurt, but that happens in everyday life and we just have to deal with it, work it out, and talk it out. I've been on several sites before and none compares to MWO. Jump on a thread that is strong and positive like the Newbie's nest and you'll find nothing but support and encouragement. Give it a try.:happy2:
                  Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                    leafy and lloydlady, I am the instigator to this mess and there is no excuse for it and believe me we do have our differences here, but this particular thread is NOT a good one for a newcomer to step in on. For your own sake, give this place a chance because it really is worth it, I'm as serious as a heart attack here. I understand why this would turn you off ... it turns my stomach! Stay away from this thread and go to newbies nest until your wings have a little more strength. Really, this place is worth your while. Start reading and posting on the nest and don't look back. :love:
                    "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
                    “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


                      Thank you idef - you are right - let's move back to being helpful & supportive.

                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Originally posted by NoraC View Post
                        Thank you idef - you are right - let's move back to being helpful & supportive.

                        NoraC -please forgive me for adding a possible final thought to this thread:

                        We (meaning all of us) who suffer or have suffered from AUD are typically:
                        (1) Very sensitive people (in both good and sometimes not so good ways) -especially in our periods of early recovery.
                        (2) Very likely to argue and many times enjoy arguing until we reach a point of contented living (without alcohol) -and then we are sometimes still likely to enjoy arguing.
                        (3) Most all of us who are/were afflicted really do have great compassion for our fellows and others but we all sometimes get caught up in that self 'must be right' stuff.
                        (4) When attacked by one or many-whether we are right or wrong, most all of us AUD'ers will stand our ground even to the determent to ourselves and/or others.

                        There will always be conflict in life -on the digital boards and otherwise. Here is the great news for each of us relative thereto; we can choose to say something that is hopefully positive (or perceived as positive), we can choose to say something that is negative or belittling, or we can choose to say nothing at all. For me, I have never found any good coming to me- by saying something negative -even if I were right. Just a thought. --sf--
                        Last edited by Spiritfree; December 29, 2015, 08:47 PM.

